Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A F. 3. of Chris Gouernment,&c. the whole vncertaine courfc of'this changeable and vn- conf }ant world, which moue when they moue, and refs when they 1 }and frill. And when the liuing creatures lift vp themfelues from earth into hcauen , to receive from God new Commandements, the whceles allo, as it were, doe follow them, and ceafefrom wheeling, to Waite their, dirc&}ion. Abouc which Angels is a Cur- raine,or Extent betwcenc God and them,all ofChrif}al, cleare and tranfparent : thorow the which as bee be- holdeth thefe inferiour creatures , fo they, both Angels andmen,according to their mediocritie, are able tofee him,snd thebrightneífeofhis glorie. Ouer that Extent, higher than the highefi heauens , is a moil glorious Throne ere& : whereupon doth fit the likencífc of the Sonneofman, Chrift the blcffed Lord of glorie, God and man,whom all obey,and floope at his command.All this for the goodof his Church and people, for whole fake it was neceffarie he fhould be armed with fo great aCommand andPower. In this part ofhis Kingdome,I note Pirfl,Tte largencffe thereof, in that it reacheth euerie where , and no place exempted frcm it : I will grue the Nations'for thine inheritance, and the ends ofthe earth for thy poJ f on. to Nitdominion fhall be from Sea to Sea, and from the Risser, ,unto the ends of the earth. n And to himwas givenDominion, and a Glorie, anda Kingdomce, that allpeople, nations, andtonguesfhotsldferne him, o Flee fhal ',cares-01efrom one sea vntoanother,and fromthe fond, ad farre as theends ofthe earth. 'AR Kings /hall bowdowne vnto him,andall Nations¡hallferne him, P All power Is gi. Tien me in heauen,and vpon the earth. Secondly In this Kingdome Chrifi alone perfe6letlt all things,not like to other Kings and Potentates, who rule by deputies ; but here lice Limfelfe doth all : for thot:gh there he vied inflruments, yet all commeth from his flrength and vertue,tnd.hec himfelte is euery-where prefent by his Spirit : Whereupon his Kingdome is cal- Y 4 led 337 1 Pfal.1. 8. m zach. 9.i a, n Dan 7.14. o Pfa:71.8,11. p Matt, t8.18.