Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

338 Efay9.6. r T.Iing.7.zt. ! Efay36.f. t E'eelef, g. r6. uPfr?7:.14. The pcondBooke ofDiuinitie, C H A P. 3. led 9 Wonderfull , becaufe the effe61s and workings of Gods Spirit are ftrange and tnaruailous. Thirdly, the vertues and properties of thisour King, arming and inabling him for the effett}ing of thole great things, arc two ; Counfell, to aduife of things wifely, and Srength , to put them in execution being both the ilayes and props of a Kingdotne,as it were the two pillars, lacin and Bohii, NA' hereupon r Salamons Porch was built. Therefore Rabjhake, to difcoutageHeek.ra<, vanteth of the4e.t,to, as of the things whereon the hope of battaile flandeth ; as if Hezekras were not in tlr:em to bee compaied to *the King his Matter : f Say (yet they are hit lip words ) that then haue counfell and flrength for the warre : yet in whom deal thou trtsß ?And Salomon though hee preferre the one , make,h both, the Hayes of a Kingdome, r Ecclef.g. I fay, wifedome io better then f#rength. Both thefe the Prophet noteth in this our King, Efa. 9.6. Thoufhalt callht.'s. name. Mn. derfull, The Counfeller, The mightre bens, God. And Zach. 3. g. The Lord making promife of his fcruant the Bud,calleth him a Stone, in rerpe6 of his f?re'lgth and might, governing and difpofinga?1 t' ingsfor the defence and faferie of his Church : ypun which one lone, heefaith, hewill fetfet en eyes : meaning, he would glue vivo him nnof#abfolute, aridperfe6t.wifdome. His wife- dome E'irf±, as of a máfl graue and Cage Counfelloris no- ted, Restelat. 1.1 3, 14. when, bee faid to haue a long Stole, and a white head. Of his power the Apoifle fpea_ keth, Heb.1.3, flee,. bearrth vp all things by the Word of hie, ?'ewer ; or his powerfull Word and Command. And thefe two aptly anfwer to the twoweapons,.whcrewiLh the Church-is by the enemies thereof from time to time affaulted, Force and Fraud : for by his wifedome, bee knowethhow to meet with all their fubtil: les and de- uiees, by.:his 1fren&,th andpower he is able to featLer 'll their forces. The, e ore the Pfalm f faith, u From guilt andviolence hefhall delireer theirPiles. Fourthly,.,