Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. 3. 9fChrigs Goteernment, Fourthly, the qualitie and manger of his,admiuit}ra- tion, is in z Iufice and Truth : for the Iuf}ice of it , the x Efay 11.5. Y`P/almrfiflith, andout ofhim,tbe z Apofllcto the He- y i'fe.45 brewes,Thy Scepter is a righteous Scepter. Thou haft Lued zed 1. 9' righteoufnefJ ,and hated s iiquitie. a r gaine, F ce Thal judge a Pfa1.7z.t. thepeople with righteou;'ineffe, and the poreones with judge- ment. The like CAC) the Prophet b Efay, Behold, a b E¡ay 3z.1. King fkia11 reigne ri bteonfly. Againe, c Bee %hall eJ1ablifh C gfay y.6. his 1t:ngdome, <tnd hold it Tip by Judgement and by Iuflice. The Iu(-lice of his Kinodome flaldeth ñrf} in being a (helter to his íiibic61s, then, dollroying Rebels : What a flu-liter he fhculd be to his fubie&s, d Efiy did foretell : That Clan (Chrifl the King )(hall a biding place from the wind, and a refugefrom the florme, as Ricers of waters in aBrie place , as the fhadow of 4 great Roclfe in a ground wearie with veriethirfl: ìór, as the ePfalmxft faith, He (ball del:utr thepoorewhen he crieth,andthe needy which bath no helper : the JhalI ¡frire theneedie and thePoore, and flue be lines ofthe pore fromguile and violence : hetfhall dehuer their foule,a,addearefhalltheir 6lowd be inhie eyes. Contrarivwife, of the Rebels. and thole that lit vp thernfelues ¡gain( him, the fame f Pfalrnifl faith, Before fPfal.yz,9. bimfball the inhabitant ofthe Defart ( rough and vnruly peoplc)bowdowne themfeluer,andhis enemiesfhalllick! the daft. g So Pfal. 110. Sit at my right hand, till/haue made g Pfal.rao.r. thine enemies thy footfloole: \,N here the triumph over his foes is in the endof the h Pfalme defcribed, O Lord, bee h Verfe 5, 6i7. that is at thy right hand, shall dash Kings inpieces in theday of his wrath ; He ¡bail iudge the 1'(,attons, filling there with carkgffes, breakng theheaain many Countries:(that is to fay,euerie where) of the6roekle in thewayfhall,hee drink,,e : like a molt Noble Generall , that follweth hard the vi&lorie , and riueth himfelfe not fo mush time as to Bate and drinke,whilefl hiser.enry is in the chale.There_ foreßsall he lift uphis head in token of vi&orie and of Triumph. So it is faid, Dan. 2.44. ThisJCingdome[hall deßroy, 339 dEfay3z,2. e P./7472.21, 13,13.