Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

340 ThefecondBooke ofDiainitie, CHAP. 3 deflroy all other 1Ci,gdames that (hall oppofe themfelues pfal.i a.4. vnto it. Both thefe parts the Pfalmfl i hath together. Hs ,Jballfuethe children of thepeors,andcraJli theoppreffor, for the truth, that is, the fincere adminifiration of his k Er43 . 3,4, Kingdome, k Efay fpeaketh at largein the two and thir- f,6,7,s. tieth Chapter of hisprophefie. Fifthly ,Thefruit ofthis adminifiration ispeace,that is to fay, all manner of bleflings and good thingsvntohis people, Pfal. y2.; . The hilt 11411 bring forth `Pears unto thepeople , and the little hilt through righteoufneffe. What andhowwonderful) that Peace (hould be, Efa) cloth foretell, C1,41).11.6,7 ,8,0. In the An;els For the bettervnderftanding ofthe formerpoarine, perfeft: concerning the generalitie of Chrifts gouernment oucr all the creatures ., and for a more comfortable vfe of it, confider we the diftribution which bee himfelfe gi- ueth of the creatures , oucr whom hee fo conimandeth: IMatth.:8.iß. Whenhee faith,' allDignitis, that is to fay, Power, Preeminence, Rule, and Authoritie , is givenvnto ogee in hearten, andupon the earth, meaningouer Angels, men, and all other creatures. His gouernment of the Angels ftandcth iii thefe Points. Firft, He is theLord,and theyhis vaffals, whom hee commandeth and ruleth at his pleafure : whereupon they are called, m ourfellowferuants. Si" 11.19. Secondly, Hee teacheth and informeth them the will of his Father, which theyby their owne flrengthor in- nan.8.1 t, duPrie are not able to reach vnto : Wherefore in n Da- niel, the Angel dcfireth to learne of him , how long the o Rc+u. 5,t,', vifionlhafl be :0 for none in Hsauen, not the molt glori- ous Angels there, nor vpon theearth, nor wider theearth, are abletoopen the Booke u<ich feuen feales in the right hand of'him that fitceth vpon the Throne, but this Lion of theTribe of lndaoncly. Thirdly, He holdsWem vp inrthat integritie and per.. fe&ion