Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Ç H A P. 3. OfChriffs Gouernment, &c. 341 feaion of Nature INhere:n they Rand , neuer to fall a- way ; for which caufe they are p.called EIe&, being e- p le& indeedof and by him , as bee is the Smile of God, but not in and through him , as hce is theMediator for bis Church; confidcring that if man had neuer faine, and confequently , if Chrill had neuer beene yet the Angels eleaionhad beene firme and ilable, and God in their ele&ion had no regardof a former corruption , as he had inmati ; yet that nothicghindreth, but that they Band now by him as the Mediator, q into whole handr q /chi: 13.3, God hathcommitted all things. Fourthly, Hee vfeeh their miniflerie and feruicein the Gouernment of theWorld , as weenoted beforeout of the vifionof r Ez.eehiel. r E ech.r. This Gouernment reacheth vnto the Deuils, the An- InDeuils, gels that fell allo : for Firfl, Hee fhutteth them vp in perpetual) hardncffe of heart, vnto the Judgementof the great Day, which may well bee gathered by that hee doth to t reprobate and r lohn ti, , wicked men. 40, 4t. Secondly , Either for the trial) of his children , or plaguingofthe wicked, as tohimfelfe it fcemethbet},he giueth them fonietimes releafe of their torments, and loofeth them out of thofe chaînes and fetters of darke- neffe wherewith they are held fat}. Henceit is,that 8.32. they befought this Icfus , not to charge them to depart into the Deepe. And this benefit the Deuils themfelues haue fromChrifl for the good of his Church, and the workingof his glorie. Thirdly,HerePraynethandbridleth them, thatnot- withf}andingall their rage and malice, theycannot ex- ceed the boundsthat hec bath fet , and when they haue done all they can, they bring topaffe but his good will andplcafure. So Matth. 8.3 i. The Deuils could not fo much as take their pleafure of the poore herd of Swine, before theyhad begged leaueof Chrii}. Fourth-