Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

342 ThefecoedBooks ofDiuinitie, CHAP. 3 Fourthly , The fubduing and conquering of them : t, for,; bee /ball aboli/halr Principalitie,and all Dignitie,and . Might ,being to raigne till he hone put all enemies tinder hta u Pfa1.II0.T. feet. As Dauid had Paid long before,and as x the pro- x Gen.!.IS wife wets in Paradife : Thefeede ofthe Woman /hall breake the headof the Serpent, and of his feede. Fiftly, The fudgingof them in the latter Day, which the vncleane fpirits thetnfelues acknowledge and con- icífe : when they expoftulate thematter with him, Art thoucome to torment vt before thetivee, Matth, 8.29. andmen cor- Touching his Gouercunene ouer Man-kind , this is rupted : common that hee beftoweth vpon themall,' the light of Reafon, and thole feeds and ornaments of Gods Image, which they carry yet about , lohn I.9. Thie is hee that lightened, emery man that commeth into the world. Specially towards the Reprobare is the fame in all points, that is, to Satan their head, that is to fay : Fìr(t, A perpetu ll obduration and hardeningof their y Iobn iz.39, hearts veto ftnall vnrepentance ; for fo the Y Euangelitt 40, 41. lohn, wl:en he had {hewed that the Iewes could not be- kale, becaufe Efay had raid , He bathblinded theireyes, andhardened their heart, left they /hould fee with their eyes, and vnderfland with their heart, and I /houldbeetle them. Immediately bee adderh , Thefe things fetid E s AI A S, when hefaw his glorie, andfpa(e ofhim.,. Secondly, The reifrayning and bridlingof them, that notwithllanding all their rageand furie,they cannot goe Adis 916c beyondhis appointed Lifts, as wee fee in z Saul, who breathingoutthreatning and flaughter after the death of Stephen, went with full fwindge to Damafcus,to cati into prfon all that called vpon the Name of I E s v s : but het in thevery way meeting with him , reftrayneth his malice, and changeth his heart to profef e the Truth which before hee perfecuted And this is it P,ra1,6,t i the a Pfahnrfl faith, The rage of men(hall turne unto his glorie. Tnird-