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-4NIPPAIIrwm"" CHAP. 4. of Chrißs Propheticall office, &C. Thirdly ; His conquering and fubduing of them, Pial, z: 9. Thou ¡bah crufb them with Scepter of iron; and break! them in pieces like a Potters Vegll. Luk. ¡9. 3 T. ?heremine enemiés,that would not 1fbouldraigneotterthem, bringhither andflay them before me. Fourthly,That he is to iudge them in the latter Day : for this b io he that is appointedof God the Judge both of the b lining and the dead. And as Paul faith, Acts 17. 3 s.Cj. od bathjet a7..)ay wherein he will rudge the World, by the man whom he hath appointed. To the ref} óf the creatures this belongeth : Firt+, That now hee keepcth them fiom running and falling vnto nothing. Secondly, That hereafter hee will renew them into an excellent and glorious condition. Both c which are the worke ofChritf, and that for hisEle6ls fake. 343 /L ts 10.43. Lithe reftof the World, peruerted, c Pfal.y6oto,, I I,1Z.. CHAP. IIII. Of the Propheticall Office of Chris '1, andof the outward Church. , E haue done with CH R I S T S Officeof a Iudge in the generali gouernment of the World : The fccond Arme or Branch of his Kingdome, is the ProphticallOf_ fite. A part I make it of his Kingdomc, not of his Prief}-hood. Fitt}, For that all his Prieffly Functions are betweene God and Him,as the Apofile defineth them to be inmat- tersto C.l odwards, Heb. 5. 1. But thefe of his Propheti- cal' Office , as the ref} of his Kingdome, are vnto his Church. fite, and that which the Scripture by excellencie The other, which isvnto hisChurch : a companieof men culled out of the World, who beleeue or profelfe to be- leette inhim. This latter part contai- neth his Pro- pheticall-Of_ termeth The Kingdome. Secondly,