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344 The f conci B00%e ®fDittínitie, CHA p. 4. Prophetical! Secondly,Becaufethofe wherein the Prophetical Of Office, flee is thought to confift, Teaching , Preaching, Mini - tI-ringof the Sacrarnents,Difcipline and fuch like,whcr- unto Miraclescome alío to bee annexed, are matters of Authoritic & of Power,dcriued fiom his Kingly Office; e Matt. z3.í9, and his Word is called , Thee Word of the Ktngdome : yea , the preaching of the Gofpel , and the outward Church colle&ed andgathered by the fame, bath the f Matt. r3.z4, name of f the KingdomeofHeauen, 47.s1. Thirdly, Since the Minitteric of Chrift bath a1wäyes going with it., an tiffe&call and finely working of his Spirit as one fpeciall part of this Propheticall Office, his Minitterie mutt needes bee a Noble and a Royal! Dignitie that is accompained with fo great a force and power. Fourthly, It is by vertueof his Kingly Oíiice,that bec fendeth forth Prophets and Apotfles , and all other Mi- niffers,prooucd Ephef. 4. 8, I I, I 1. where Paul defcri- bingthe Royaltieof his Kingdotne,That hee ledcaptiui- tiecaptiue, andgauegifts unto men, immediately added), He thereforeganef:Jose tobe Q%po/!les, fume to be Euange- lijs, fame Prophets, fame Pafors and `?ejcchers,for the knit- tingtogether ofthe Saints, for the workeof the (....14 for the building lip of the Bodie of Chri(l, But this.,all mutt grant that hedoth ,as the Head of the Prophets. There- fore the Propheticall Office is one part of his Kingly bountie. And albeit Teachi gmay feere a part of the Priefily Fund ion, by that «,hieh is written, Detat. 3 3. r o. 'They teach I A C o B thy Judgements, and I s i A E L thy Law;yet the Eífentiall point of the Priefl Office, which flood in Saci:ifïces and Oblations, muff bec ditfinguifhed from that commen,to the whole Tribe offLeui,asit that very place the words following doe ditlingaifh them : They put Incenfe before thy face , and Sacrificewholly to bee eon- !sexedwon thine 4/tar : for as Priefts they went no fu. ther