Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C HAN. g.. of Chri%is Propheticall office, &c. 345 ther then to doe , and to be types of thofe things.v0hich before were afligned veto the Prief}-hood of Chrif }. Their Office of reaching and inllruaing the people : they had another calling, for commonwith the'Tribe of Leal, which theProphets el{e,whowere not:ofthefame Tribe, yet woke vpon them being rai fedvp (extraórdi. nari(y) for thnt purpofe, fromwhom this part of Chritls OfficeCooke the-name , and not from the PriefllyFun. }ion, though theywere-aifo called of God vnto it. The Prophtti call Office ofChriftrc.1e&(:th aChurch and People, -in bellowingvpoñ tlem hi,; 'Word, and the ,fruir it bringech forth by the working of his Spirit : for the-fe three, Prophet,W;rd,andChurch, haue a perpetual( relation one vnto 'noti er. Wherefore in handling the Prophetical(Office , the'Word of Chrifl is firft to bee fpokcn of; and then his Church. The Word ofChrif} is all the holy Doarinc that bee bath taught from the beginning, concerning our falua- tion throughhim: Wherein obferue; Firfi , Chril} is the matter, and' onely fubieé, and fubflance ofthe Word. In that regard, himfelfe is cal- led , g The Word, or h The Word ofGod : Becaufe of him, and of him alone it is , that there are in the Word fo many glorious and exkellent fpeeches , and the Do.. &rine of the Gofpell bath the name -of the 'Nord of Chrif}, Col.3. 16. So as it isnot Any naturall knowledge 'that this Do6frineteacheth , but hcauenly and fuperna.. turall which was not in Edon before his fall, though 'nee were perfealy holy , and endued with all manner of naturall vn.derf}anding. Secondly, He himfelfe, as he is the mattcr,fohe is.the Authour of the Word. In which refpe&-theScripture giueth thefe names vntehim. Fírf}, He is called Hamncdab er, ar' theSpeaker and Interpreter of his Fathers Will., Dam. 8.7 3. Towhich place, Which is to the Church oE' Profeilars it íland( th in an outward cal- ling and gifts An outward calling,when by his Word, that is to fay, his publifaing ofthe Coue- gant of Grace. g Ichn r.f. h Reuel.rg. r3.