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17q;,"7' 346 The fecondBooke ofDiuinitie, Cx A p.4. i ,FHeb.12.15. k 11?atth.3. Iom I)Cut.I8.15. Acis 3.aZ. m Heb.3.T, n Ma1.3.1. o CoGn.3. p r.Ccr.1.z4. q Luke 11. 49. r L'an.8.13. f Rom.15.8. t Efày 4z.1. Lubeio.ió. place, it may be, the Apoflle i hath fome eye, when hee faith , Take heed yee reiefi not him that ffreakyth , or the Speaker, meaning Chrifl. Secondly , e.ß Dogbor, k or, a Teacher. Thirdly eí11 Prophet , the Head and Lord of the Prophets. Fourthly , an to tApafrile. Fiftly , The n Angell of the Cotenant. And that we may know with what Graces our Saul - our Chrill is furni(hed,for O fo great a worke,all the trea- fur's of Knowledge and Vnderfianding are bidden inhim, yea, he is Wifedome ' itfelfe, or 4 theWifedome of God, and called , as by a proper name , r Palmonie, that is, one that hath all hidden things numbred before him, or readie told, and as we fay, at his fingers ends which as occa(on Both ferue, he vttercth tohis Church. Wherefore here is the Touch-Gone of all Truth, and there is no truth concerningGod and our Saluation in Chrill , but in the Word our Sauiour himfelfe bearing record, lohn 17.17. Thy Word is Truth. Touching the outward inliruments, which it bath pleafed him to vfe in the deliucrie of this Word; fome- times he ípake byhis owne voice fromHeauen; fame- times by the Miniflerie of his holy Angels ; But 1pecial_ ly this outward Mini(lerie is either his owne which hee executedperfonally himfelfe , when hee was vpon the Earth , (defcribed, Efay42. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. i n regard whereofbee is called a Miniller, f The MinifterofCir- camcifion, and a r Seruant :) or it is ofhis Seruants from the beginningof the World,of whomhe faith, u He that hearethyou heareth me ; and he that reieiisthyota,reie5icth me. Of whole Ivlinifleries and Fun lions, we (hall haue caufeto fpeake hereafter. Therefore Chrifts Office of a Teacher did not fir' begin when bee Cooke our ficih vponhim : forhL Spirit às was that fpake in the Prophets, long before bee came into