Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P. 4. Of Chrr.'/fs Prophetical Office, &c. 347 into the World, as the Apof#le beareth record, i. Pet. I. 11. Thefore-witnefrgSpirit ofChriît that way in thePro- phets, declared the fuferings that Amidbefall Chrif# , and the glorie that rxar to follow. And that which is in the Pfflmes, X To day iflee will 'mare his voice : the Apoflle Y to the Hebrews referreth to the voice ofChrifl. Thirdly, I note the perfection of this Do5trine, that Chrifl hath opened the whole will of his Father fully and perfc6tly in cuery Age and nouer left his Church without a full andperfeert direction ofall things neceffa- rie for their faluation : for c.Mofes faith, z Behold, 1 fet beforeyou this. day life and death: whichhee could not haue faiid, vnleffe there had beene a certaine direEtion to lead them vnto life. And when Kee chargeth a Not to adds to the words that he gaue them in Commandement, nor to take from them', doth it not proue that the fame was perfe& ? Fourthly, The fubiea of the Word being Chrifl, it is more particularly the Couenant made inhim , which by the Word is promuIgcd and offered vnto all,and his Spi. rit maketh effedluall to as many as receiuing the fame by Faith, make themfelues worthy of ir. The which Couenant being diftinguifhed by the Old Teflarnent and theNew, as before hath beene declared, the publication of the Old Teflamert in and through Chriflto come, was called b ThePromife; when he was exhibited and come indeed; that worthyand wel -come meffage was termed c The Goieli, or goodnewes, and glad tydings. But it is theglorie of Chrifls adminiflration, whether in his owne perfon when bee was among vs , or by his Seruants,that theoutward difpenfugof theWord is ac- companied with an inward working of the Spirit : of bothwhich parts his Propheticall Office ílandeth, here. in differing from all other Miniflers, who onely preach the Word , fet d on the outward Element , e plant Z and x Pfal.9S.7. y Heb.;.7. z i2eut.3o.rf. a Dcut.4s. (which being of the old Tcilament, was called The Promife.; of the New, The Got-pd.) b Abia 13.32. Gal.3.17. c A r 13.32. atarke andby the power of his Spirit, d Mattk e t.:or.,3.E,