Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

348 e Ltske z4.45. f Matt.13.24. g Marke 6.20. hlohn5.35. heedrawcth to that Pro fef ion. i , i zosoía. k Kvptaxr), whereof corn- meth theword Church : or as the 7rortherne pronounce, IÇ'rk. : afatt.2e.16. rn Matz2.3,q n..Yer.I I,I2,13 o vcrf.9. ThefccondBookeofDiiiinitie, C .H A P. 4 and water :but the whole blefiingBoth come fromhim: forhee teaching, openeth mens nsindcs, c, that they way vnderffand the Scriptures , and befloweth other graces which theWord bringeth forth,euen in the wicked, by a generall wotkingofhis Spirit, as we are taught by the f Parable of the Sower, and haue g Herod and the K Iewes för an example. It followeth tofpeakeofthe Church. That which we cal Church, fignifieth in i Grecke , a felc e1 companyga- thered, called , culled , pickedout from other men. In Englifh it bath the name deriued from that which in Grecke fignifieth kLord, becaufe they belong to Chrift the Lord, and are feparate to his feruice; be it by an inward or an outward fcparation. But the outward Church is it which wee areto beginwithall;which is in generali the whole number of men profeffiug Chri(I. Concerning which cake thele few things, Firíl , Grace is not vniuerfall, nor all doe not receiue it,no;not fo much as the offer ofGrace,(nor an outward calling.) Many, l faith our Sauiour Chrií+, are cal/e4: he faith not all, but many. And fo the mKing which made a marriageDinner forhis fonne, fc nt his Icruants to call, not.ail, but thofe that he had called : that is, thofewhole names hehad let downe in a Kalender or Roll to bee his Ghefls , although ofthofe alfoforne sv were none of his. Neither Both it hinder.this which is laid after , o Gee into the hiih-wyes., and bring in as runs) as.yee fhall find.For the fcopeofthe Parable íheweth, that by thofe that were firfl bid , are meant the Iewes, into whole place came theGentiles, that before were Aliens and Strangers; fo that by calling of the Iewes onely at the firm, it is prooued that all men are not-made partakers of the outward calling. And this, if v. ee had no word at all forit , experience it felfe might teach vs ; for how many bath death ouer-taken in their Cradles, before they. could. bee.called ? howmany of riper yeeres Loth dark-