Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A r. g... of Cbrifls PrapheticdK office, &c. 349 darkneffecower, that theyneuer can fee the light ? Paid. verily P Paying, That in theagespafed, Cgod/nffered all p Aas14.15 Nation: to walke in their owneMayes, 1heweth , how ma- ny Millions of foules haue periíhed, that neuer heard of Chriff. But it is the glorie of Chrifls adminiílration whe- ther in his owne perfon , when hee was amongvs,or by his feruants, that the outward difpenfing of the Word is accompanied with an inward working of the Spirit; ofboth which parts , his Propheticall Office flandeth, herein differing from all other Miniflers, who onely preach theWord, q Pet on theoutward Element,r plant, i gnrt3.FIt. and water, but the whole bleilngdoth come from him ; Luke X4.45. for hee teaching , c openeth mens minds , that they may widerfland theScriptures , and befloweth other graces which the Word bringeth forth, not onely in his Chil- dren, but euen in the wicked. Secondly, It is the inflin& and motionof Gods Spi- rit,that draweth a man to this Profeffion, Gen.9.27. God perfwade IAP HET H , that hee may dwellin theTentsof SH E M : for all the naturali Wifedome of the world is not ableto lead vs by the handto Chrifl , nor to teach vs the knowledge of heauenly things. I fay not, the fa- uingknowledge of Gods Eleet,but not fo much as that outward knowledge and profeflion, and thofe common graces which manyof the Reprobates doe artaine veto. Noman.faithplE s v s4 the Lord, but by the Spirit of God,t.C'or.12.3. that is, the grace euen but outwardly to profeffe him, is a workeof the Holy Ghofl. And fo doth.thcApofWle there goethorow the ref of the parts ; Gifts of knowledge , Faculties and r.Minifieríes : Aß which , hee faith , one and the fame SpiritworI eth. And what need we much to labour herein,when theveriehi- dingof this facred Do&rine fo many yeares, from all the deepe and wife men oftheEarth whileflthe Iewes had it alone and at this day , front fo many famous Z a COOL.