Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

350 The f condBooke ofDitsinitie, CH A P.4. u 1.Cor.S.1z,r 3 What haue I to doe to fudge th_m that are without? But thole eatare within,do:you iurtge. But thole that are with- aut,Gvdwill iut4e. x Pfaí. z9.9. Comnon-wealths and Kingdocnes to whomwee are not fuperiour in Learning , Wifedome or other Gifts, !hew , that all the IA it of the World cannot makevs fo much as thinke one thought ofChrif%, till God by his Spirit giuc vs light? And this which is the firf and meaneff of Gods fa- uours, is yet a fauour not to bee contemned , it being an excellent and a glorious thing tobee ( though but out- watdly) Profefors of Chrill :for Firíi, Hereby they are fevered fromTakes, Pagans, and Heathenmen, and in name are become Chrifians for that title the Holy Ghofi giueth to all Profeffors. Secondly, They are now received into the Lo RD s Houle, and are faid to bee within : u whereas all others that ar'e : cif the Church , are faid to bee with- out. Thirdly , being members of the vifible Church, dwelling with' and among them, they are made parta- kers of many goodly graces and benefits , which God powrethvpon his Church ; cuen vpon the Reprobate and wicked , for the Elects fake that are atnong them, as the Pfalmifl faith, that x in his Temple lee vtteresh al1 his glorie. The third thing is , it fufficeth for the makingof a Church, i. they bee Profeffers onely, this beingbut a bareoutward calling common to theReprobate. Fourthly, They mull bee Prefef ors of Chrifi, pro- feffingth,at in words, the having where,nf indeed ina- keth men truly Chridfians. So the Apoífle defineth ir, Ephef.. 7.1. where in stead of naming the Church of Ephefis(for to the outward Church he .vvriteth) he vfeth this Periphra(is to the Saints that are in Ephefi i, and to the faithful' in Chri/ Iefirs : and r.Cer. T .2.To the Church ofGod which is in Corinth;fanibfied in Chrifi lefts, Saints by ealltrt,. In re .hard whereof , the fame Apollle calleth Chriff The foundation even of the vifible Church, a.Cor,