Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A F. 4. of Chrifis Propheticall office,&c. x,Cor.3.i T. And this is the,r-ight Touchílone to examine all Churches by, for what Church fo euer in fuch fort profdreth Chriff,as the men-Alas trulyholdingihat they doc profcífc,are there- bymade members of the myflicall Body of Chrif},the fame, 'hat itnperfes9ions foeuerit haue befide, and how vnfound Ibeuer it may bec in manyparts,yet it bath the heart and life of a Church t o- thcrwife it cannot bee laid a Church. For al- beit the Church of God be not fubie& to fundan- ,entall errours , that take away the life and beingofa church; for then how could it be any Church at all ? yet in otherpoints,uot ofmannersonely, but of Truth and Opini- on , it doth and may erre ,. both particular Congregations , and; The Papins make threenotes ofihc vifible Church; Antiquitie, Vniae,V_ niucrf.litie , moft fondly andridicu. loafly, when as all theft are to bec found in the malignant Church, and in the moft wicked affernblies and forieties. Errors heue bin ancient, as long as Pince theApoftles time: for eucn then the myfteric of iniquitie beganne to worke, a.Thcíz.7. ) .!rhæ 5.3. and then were there manyAntichrifts,I.lob.z,, t 8 Theeues are at vnitie among them- (Clues, and Co are theDeuils onewith another, elfe their Kingdome could net fland,Mat, t z.15,26. AndReuel.] 7. 17. it is laid that Godput into their hearts, w; th one content togiue their Kingdome to the Beaft. As forVniuerfalitie, thatis fc form' from being a certayne badge of the trueChurch, that contrariwife Paul telleth vs,when Antichrill (halllee re- ucalcd, theremuff be agenerall Apo-. ftafie and defeEtion from the Truth, z,Th f,2.3. And in the Reuel. we reade, th. t all the world went wond ring after the Beat},&wo £hipped the Beaft and the Dragon tha tgauehim power, Reu. 13.7,4. Howbeit we f:y,tbe Church of God is Catholike or Vniuerfali,but in a farteother ftntethen they meaneby theirvniuer .litie, which they intend of a generall fpreading of it £elfe, without any great oppofition to the contrarie in beaurie and much brraue- rie, and mul:iteides ofmen glittering and (billing in the wor]d,whereas wee t r e whole Church vni- fay, Ihe trueChurchof Chrift is Catholike or Vniuerfal becaufe it is not tyed to any oneparticular pla = e or ccuntrie, as fometimes among the Lewesít was ; butin et cry N'tionGod bath thoê that featehim,and belong to lisEleEtion. Not alwayes v Gble, and tobe fééne with the eye, bu' members through faith, ofthe trueCatholike and in- uifibleChutcli ofChrif}. ThePapifls which fay the Church cannot erre. Z 3 uer- 351'