Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

941,17.024.,esec i.Branchof the 6.Pctitio1. The Contents. OfFalling. The outwardabßinrnçe : the end, and true v[e; the time ofkeepinga Faß : it is in the nature of aSabbath. Godsacceptation of our Horkes ,andhow. The reward dine veto thetti theyno whitmerit : the neeeffitieof doinggood Workes. Ofc !efliallHohnele, andof the Church l'riumpbant. OfRedemption. Ofthe Bleffedneffe ofGodschildren in this life. Ofthe fiate of the faithful! departed, . Ofthegeneral¢,Refurre&lien Khofhallrife :by what power,andinWhat f,t. Specialltbingstoucbing the refurreaionof theElea. Ofthe laß. lodgement. The perlons to be judged. The Iudge, cbrifn. af bù cómming to Iudgement : theplacefromwhence befhallcerne : thefignes and manner ofhis Cottoning. The Placewhere the Indgement (hallbe. Of the Sentence. The preparation toit : tbe order ofthe Sentence: the Sentene;itf ife : the Rea fn : theexecutionof the Sentence ; and the order of execution. Ofourtakingvf into Heauen ; and bywhat right we come thitber. 01our full Bleffedneffe. The root andfoundationof tbefame: theparts: the meafitre andquantitie: thedegrees of Glorie, and robence it growth : the eternitie. 0fcertaine that rofe vpon our Saviours Refurrel'tion. OfEnochand Elias. O f thefudden changeof thole64121116e alineat Chrißs coming? . Ofthe renewingof the Creatures. FINIS. 1MMIOMMIlie.. r--.._.. _®