Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

352 The recondEvoke ofDiuinisie, C rt A P. 4. tterfall,did not the whole Churchofthe Iewes egret And eucn they that heard our Sauiour Chriff fco long, when they dreamedofthe Kingdorne of the Âíefar, robee an earthly Y Kingdo:ne,ard that it fhould come in brauerie and oílentation. And was it not the common errour ofall the Church, and ofthe ApAles tl,cmi'êlues , after his Afcenfion , that they thought '.he s to bee vncleane , and that the Gofpeli per a.yry d not to them ? Fundamentall errours I call thcfe twc% efpecially Firfl, When the D,;6trine anis lP' r>`cfiïon of. the Go- fpell is corrupt in fubftance; papiC.i doecorrupt it three manncrof wa.yes. Firfl, Denying ïuflificationby Faith alone in ale one- ly Merits ofChrifl and fecking to bee laud by their ownemerits or righteoufncfíe for which caufe the A- poftle caffeth off the Iewes, Rote. io. 3. and t t. 20. and threatneth afinuch to the Galar,ssor, G.1. 5.2 Ifyee bee circtoncifed (ioyningCircumcifion or thr works ofthe Law,together with Chrifl in thematter ofIuffification) Chrfl All profit younothing. Secondly , Denying the fole fiifficient Sacrifice of Chrift, and letting vp in their blafphemousMaffe,a dai- ly reali facrifice ofhis body for the quick and the dead ; 'whereas Chriils Sacrifice muft either be aperfe&} Sacri- fice once for all, neucr tobe iterated nor repeated,orclic it is noSacrifice at all, as the Apof}le teacheth at large in the Epifile to the Hebrewer. Thirdly, Denying the true and onely Head-flip of Chrifl , by lacing Antichrifl in his rootrc which is a mayne and findamentall herefie,not to boldfaß the he4d, Col. 2.19. Secondly, Idolatrie, when the worfhip of Cod is corrupted in the very fubfianceofit : In which fort, the old Church of the Iewcs corrupting themfelues, a be- camenomore the People of God ; and had their b Bill of y Attis 1.15. z "as 10.34. a Bxod.s i.7. b Exod 33. 3, 7, Ix-