Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Cr .a f. 4. of arifls Propheticall Offrce,&c. 353 of Diuorcc for ic, c tili at t.Mofes interceffion vpon the publtkeR:pentan ce of' the people, it pleafedGod to be reconciled to them. And heerein alfo the Papif}s doe -offend as gricuoufly and more grofly then euer the Mots did, in worfl'ippingof Images, of Saints deceafed, And oftheir breadcn god in that their IdolatrousMaffe. By all which it is euident, that the Church of Rome is not onclir corrupt and vnfound Church, but no Church at all. For touching the .Sacraments , and other holy things , or rather the Prophanations of the fame which are to bee found among thern (for in truth, out of the Church there are not any Sacraments rightly admini- flred) they can no more make a true Church , then the bare writing and letting to ofa Seale can make a Deed, withoutthe parties deliuerie for God neuer deliuered his Sacraments to any out of his Church , though they prefitme to take them, and to let, as it were, his Seale to thermAnd where the Apofflefaith,a.Thef.2.4.that Anti- chrift muf} fit in the Templeor Churchof God,hee mea- neth that whichonce was the Churchof God, though now it be not. Like to thefpeech of our Saviour Chrii}, Matth.24. r 5. WhenJost fee theabomination of defslation, Handing in the holyplace,that is,the place whichonce was Loly,whilef1 it was a figure ofChrill and ofhis Church: but fo was it not,when this which he fore_telleth fhould come topaffe. But what are wee to doe in thefe cafes? Surely where the errour is dangerous, and ouerthroweth the foundation, wee are there to feuer our fclues , and to haue no fellow fhip with them , as wee are taught in the cafe oferronious do6}rine,1. Tim. 6.3. ¿f anyman teach o:berwi,!e, andconPent not to the wholefome wordsofour Lord leas Chrifl, and to the D.: Urine which is according to God- lineffe,he is puffedvp ; fromfinch, Jeparateyour/c lies. Hee hirnfcife that taught thi Leffon, made nobones to prac- t i ie it, Ate. 1 9.9, Whencertaine menat Ephefits were hard- ntd, and difobeleti, #eakrng easill of the way j ggod, het Z 4 de- c Exod.3L.3o, 3132533334'