Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

354 ." The prod Booke ofDit.citzitie, C x A r. 4. departedfrom them, andfeparated the Difciplei. And the like he did at Rome, Aar 28.28. Of the other, that is to fay,Idolatrie,wee haue a Commandement , 2.Cor.6.14, s 5 16,i y. Be not vnegcsa!!y yoked with Infidels : for what felloáv(hip bathRighteonfnef with vnrighteoufve9 , cr what communion bath light with darknef fe ? Or what concordbath CHRIST with BE L I A L?Or what part bath the Beleeteer with the Infidel ? Or wat agreement hash the Temple of Gad with Idols ? wherefore come out fromamong- them, and fe_ parateyourfames,faith the Lord. So did the Prietis and Leuitcs come to lstdah and Ie- rtrfalemto ferue God, when Jeroboam had fet vp idols in Ifrael,2.Chrors.II.14. Warthily.thcrefore inboth thefe regards, and by good warrant from the. Word,:haue .wee lèparated our felues from the Church of 2orne, as from a Strumpet and aHarlot,not in any refpc t the true Spoufe of Chrif}. But for other blemifhes or corruptions that onely ftainc and disfigure the Church , but firike,not at the :heart and roote , there tomak e feparation, is a grieuous offence,and the finne ofSchifmatikes. Fourthly,Being but the Church of them that are cal. led with an outward calling, there are among them of- tentimes many Hypocrites , As the Apof}le teacheth, a.. /oh. .1, i9.Theywent out frcm vs,but they were not ofvs: forif they had beene of vs,they would haue a-bidden with vr. But this is tomake it manifef,that allare not ofvs. 17ponvall that bath beene faid , it folioweth, that the Church which nowwe fpeake o is a Church viable. I ça11 it no viG"ble, as if the Church of G o D were Awayes to bee feenc and knowne in the Theerrrour of Poperi that would World for as the haue.the Church of God,to be alwaies vifible in the World. Moone is fometimcs eclipfed, fometintes at the full %o the Church, fonc- times"lifted vp aboue the Motintaines, is other form- times