Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C H A P. 4. ofChrifls Propheticall Offtce,&c. times thrufl into the Wilderneffe , e that no true Pro- feffors feerne to bee remaining. So 2. Chron. 15.3. IÌ' rad, by which is meant not the tenne Tribes onely, but Iudith and Beni i in; as the fee+,ue'. o` the Chapter (liew.- eth , is faid to haue beetle a long time without the true Cod,without Pried totetteb,without the Law. And Parál, 2.7beff.2.3.tclleth of a generali defect ion and falling from theTruth, that no faceof. a vifible Church fhould bedifcerned : Aitichriff should fo vniuerfally fet vp his throne,which in the height and fulneffe of Poperie wee feeto hau_hin accornplifhed : Although that God bath, and alwaies had force that are his, as appeareth by that which the Lord d anfwered to Elms. But I call it avi- fible Church,bccaufe it may bee feene and knowne who are fuchProfeffo.s, though the Churchofthe Ele6 can. ,not be feene. This outward Church vniuerfall, is fur- ther tobe confidered in the beautie it receiueth by com- panies and affemblies , drawne by thepower of Chrifls Spirit,to affoci ateand ioyne themfelues together h the profeffion of his Name : which is a angular ornament and a rarueilotts gracing of the whole , thus to be di- ffinguìfhed into particular meetings, as it were, the field of the Lord into feuerall clofures, or a garden into feuerall beds or alleyes. Whereby Gods glorie is much themore confpicuous. Such a Church or Congregation) for fo inordinarie fenne the Scripture vfeth theword Church) neitherflan- dethofone or two, nor a few in a corner, but of many, enough to perforrne all feruices of theChurch,and thofk publiduely affernbling. ".,So the Apoffle fpeaketh of the e Csrinths , Commi:g together to the Church: and to the Hebrews, f Legue notyour ìffeinblrngtogether,m the man- ner is offume. But not euerie affembly ofProf"effors dothforthwith make a Church , but their ffemblint5 in the name of Chriff, for Prayer, AdminifTration of the Sacraments, or other fpirituall matters, whereby the Church is di- 1..inguifhcd 355 c Reh.! 2.K. d;io Scuerall com- panies that of- femble for-thé excrciCes of theWord,are fo many Chur- ches &mexn-. bel s of the whole, C xCor.rr.1E. f, _