Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

356 ThefecondEvoke ofDitainitie, CHAR. 4, . ilinguilhed from the Common- wealth and ciuill mee- tings. And this badgeor marke our Sauiour fetteth vpon it, iwattb. 18.230/Jere two or three aregathered together in my name, And Paul r.Cor. t.5,4.á.1 haue decreed,when you andmy Spirit aregathered together in the name of our Lord refis Chriftz, with thepower of our Lard leftu Chrif, to deliuer ftecha one to Satan. So wee read in the o..1111, that the firth day of the Week! the Difciples gathered toge_ ther tobreak! bread, A61.2 o.7. And ineueri: And not in vaine dotti the Churches fo affemble. God of therebath kath made unto them this largeand ample promife,That ahwaiesCome he will be alwayeseffc &wall to renue tome of them , by that are bis in the power ofhis Spirit vnto eucrlafting life ; for the mi- deed. nificrie of theWord, with thevie ofthe Sacraments,and theexercife of true difcipline,founding in euery Church, g At.itth.13. g nouer returneth èmptie ; but Lowfceuer much cf it 3,425,6,7, fall by the way, or vpon {tonie places, or among the thornes ; yet force alwayes lightcth vpon good ground, and btingeth forth fruit in that meafure that God bath appointed. Apromife anciently made to the Church, as appeareth,Efay 9 2.5 1. Yhid ¡hall bee myCcuenant with them, faith I E H O V A i ,My Spirit that it in thee and the words I halte put into thymouth Chaff not depart 60t of thy mouth, nor eut of the mouth of thy feed, nor out of the mouthof thy feeder feede , faith JE H OVA H, from this timefrth foreuerrnere. Which prcmife our Sauiour bath alfo renued , t..frtatth. 28. I9, 2o. Gee therefore and gather Difciples of all 2'Zations, b,ptiz,ing them in the name ofthe Father, and of the Sop'ne, and of the Holy Gho f teaching them to l¿etpe ail things whatfceuer I hang commandedyou. end behold Iam withyou alwayes vnto the end of theworld. Hereof it is, th..t Co ilL7ny thing are generally attri- buted to the Churches profcfti'gChri`t, becaufe he h ;Vert., , fame is alvvaies true in filme that are among them. As khere they are called h Faithful! (ors, i Holy k Sanili- 1 crx4cl.79. <,. fie ; and the 'ewes in generall, i 4 holy Vation, A pe. cullar