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CHAP. 4. ofChrifis Prepbeticall office,6-c. 357 culiar people, &c. So Dctat.3-2, z 5. They arecalled Wm- rum.), that is, The righteous People: forthat all being ca _ led to that honour , many ofthere were fuch indeed, 21. though ofa number it were allo true , that m they were none of his formes. Another noble Prerogatiue bclongeth to the out- ward Church, that they purchafc not onely this dignitie for themfelues, by theprofeflion of their Faith,but their children allo are borne free 13urgefles of this Citie ; as the promifc is made to n ABRAHAM, 1 trill bee the God of thee , andof thy feede : for as the Apoftle faith, Row.tLi 6. If the Roote be holy fo are the Branches alfo. Elíe why doth the fame A:polile, Galat. 2. 15. oppofc 'ewes by nature tofnners of theGentiles, but to Phew that from the very birth, the children of belecuingParcnts, are within the outward Couenant of the forgiueneffeof finnes. And this is not to bee reflrayned to fuch chil- dren onely, as are borne of both Parents bciceuers, but if any one ofthembe ofthe Church, fo is the child like- wife : for, the vnbeleetsing maw isfantiifled by thebelceuing wife , and thevnbeleeuingwoman is fa úfifed by the belee- :sing husband, fo farce, as to mAkc our children that other- wife were vncleane, to be holy , Chrifl not onely gathereth a Church unto hirnfelfe, a precious poflcffion out of the world , and the delight and ioyof theearth, but bee garni(heth it alto, and fet- teth it forth with many goodly ornaments and rich en_ dowmcnts,evhichtheApoflle calleth Gifts, Ephe,4.7,8. Some for thepublique, fome for a mans ownepriuate. Of there, the firfi are certayne rich Jewels, of inefii.. enableprice and value; his Word, Sacraments, and other holy things , which Chrifl bath layed vp in the Arke ofhis Church, and committed to their care, as a treafure which he will truanone but his Church with - all. As vnder the Law, in the Holyof Holies (wherein was the Arke) were kept the o Tables of the Tellament, (the. in Pare S. Their children alloare of the Church. n Gen.17.7. The gifts which Chri!} b.ftoweth vp- on the out- wardChurch, are for the Churches cómon good,. orfor a mans owneprivate :. for the com- mon good, are firfi things committed to- the Churches keeping: then Minif - ries andGraces. The things committed, are his Word, (whereof wee hauefpcken) to bee preaca- cd : Sacra- n1:nts tobee adminif} ed, and other holy things :_ o Heb.9.3: