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358 The fecondEooke of Diuinitie, CHAP. 4. (the Word) thegoldenpot that hadManna (a Sacrament) p Ìçrurn.t1. lo. and AA R o N s Rod that had budded (for p a fignc a.. -ì.ccr.4.2,r, gainf} the rebellious.) His Word to be.preached :Sacra- ments and other holy things to bee adtninitlred. Here q Matt.16.19. q therefore are the liuely notes and markes of a Church. r . Mattíh if he Scripture flileth them by the name of r the keyes of zg,xo. the Kingdomeof Hearten. The prime and principali is his Word (whereof wee haue fpoken alreaelie)the treafitre ofall heauenlyKnow- C Rom.3.2, ledge. f This, faith the Apof}Ie to the Romans , is the chiefs (of thole excellencies which the Iewes had aboue other men) that watt) themwere committed the Oracles of t HoJi, 8.zz. God: Or (as the r Prophet fpeaketh) the excellencies of .qh ,Iv`i theLaw. Wherefore GodsWord and Precepts, Dauid u Whereunto Both many times call u t5n))((* things depofited. In re- it feemeth gard whereof, the Church is fail to bee x the Pillar and Paul do h aI- lude, Stateof Truth : for the Truth of God is no where tobe zo.& z.7znz. T. foundbut there. It is error, lyes, fuperl}ition, and de. 14. in aapaxa- ceir, whatfoeuercommeth not from hence. The Church 7aGnxn onely is the golden Candle-flicke figured in the Law, x z.Titxt.ÿlq which holdcthVp the eternal Truth ofGod,to glue light veto all the World, and there light is to beehad , when darkctgetl'e coucrerh the whole face of the Earth be- Preaching is fide. Preaching, for the forme and manner of it , is an an inilru&ion inf}ru6lion by word of mouth openingand iuterpre- oftheChurch, tin° the Scriptures, rendring the fenfe thereof, draw- by Iiuelyvoice ing the Doórines that are to bee gathered from them, making vfr, and profit of it, for the edification and building vp of our Faith ; which the Apof}le, by a Metaphor from the Sacrifices of the Law , calleth y 2.Tirn4.t5'. Y Cutting aright the Word of Truth. It fl.andeth neit in the bare and naked reading of them. And that you may fee, Neh. ern. 8. 8, 9. where the people abiding in their Handing, the Lenitas taught then, ttie Law ftrfl reading it diflintiy, then, rendring the fenfe by the Scripture it Pfc. So 414,4.17, 18,19) 20,2I. Our Saviourcorn- mi7g