Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

..-. CII A P. 4. of C!rigsProphetical/ Office, 6-c, 359 into the Synagogue , there was giucn him the Booke ofthe Prophet Efay; which when lice had v.3fol. ded, and read a portion of that Scriptnre,hee folded the Looke;atd gaue it againe to him that waytcd, and ,ate dovvne; and theeves ofall in the Synagogue, being fa- !felledon hirn, he began to fay unto them , To day is this Scripture fulfilledinyour eares. And of thisinl}ru&ion by word ofmouth, it pleated God to make choyce, rather than ofreadin for that it pierceth deeper into the heart and mind of man , and more loth affe& him and that through the blelìing of God, whovfeth the zeale of the fpeaker, for the quick- ning, and puttingof life into that which is fpoken. The argument, matter, or fabie&muP be ofand concerning Chrif+, by teachingour ovine corruption .nd impoten- cíe to fulfill the Law; and therefore the ne:ciiiie wee haue to flye to him,who is made unto vs ofGod, Righ- teoufneffe, Sanuification, andRedemption,th at he that gloried) might glorie in the Lord. Wherein it diffe- reth from the mini{ferie of MOP,' or of the Law , as the Apofile cloth oppofe them, 2. COI.; 3.6. Who alfo path j. abledvs to bee Miniflers of the New Teflament, not ofthe Letter, but of the Spirit. So Rom. 2. t, 2, 3 , 4. he fhew- eth, Hems" called tobee an Apoflle, andfrt. apart topreach the Coel of Cod , concerning his Sonne 8efrco Chrift our Lord : and Kona. to.8. 'This is that Wordoffaith that wee preach. In like fort it is laidof Philip,whenhet came done vato Samaria, that hepreachedunto them, Cbrr f A17.8.5. PE T r . allo, afia. io. 43, 44. declareth the lumme of all that, which hee was chargedof God to preach voto the people, to be this, that by his Name fhosild etserie one that belee:ieth in him, receirieforgiurncffe ofj'nnei. * The parts ofthis inffruóhion of the Church, are Do- &tine and exhortation.: both comprehended , Rar». 12. 7,8. Domtine, by laying forth the Truth, and confu- ting in the Word of Chrifì; R And that bÿ Dothine or Exhortation. Dotlrine,in laying forth the Truth,and confutingof contrarie Er- rours. Exho: ration, to apply it alto to all good v- fes of comfor- tingdenoun cing, flirting vp,reproouing