Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

3bo The fecondEvokeofDiuinitie, Cx A P.4. A facrament is aSigne z x6. and Sealeof -theCones)ant, ting of' contrarie errours ; that fo the puritie of faith may alwayes remainc found and vncotrupt in the Chinch. Exhortation, which fharpeneth the Word,and fcttethan edge vpon it , by applying the fame, and ma- king vfe of it , as theneceffitie ofthe people rcquireth. And thefe two aptly anfwer to the two parts of the foule ofman ; his mind or vnderflanding , and his will and affebtions. Both whichby thefe meanes God pro- uideth for. Sacraments, or outwardSignes and Scales of theCo- uenant. It hath the name Sacrament , from the Militarle Oath that Souldiers tooke to do faithfull feruice to their Captaine : for in likemanner we in theSacrament fweare our Allegeance toCnrif}, and to fight vnder his Banner, againft the World, the Flefh and theDeuill. It is alto called a Myfferie, or hidden thing, becaufe betide the outward Signe , there is fomewhat inward and Spi- ritual!. In the definition of aSacrament,I obfcrue, Fi.rf}, They are outward and earthly things to bee feene and felt, fcruingfor the helpe of our weakeneffe, .which ifwee were all Spirir,we needed nor. Secondly, They are Signes , as it is Paid, Gen. 17. t T. and Rom.4.1 i.7hefire of Circumcifcon. PE TER cal- ledi themType: and Figures, 1.Pet. 3.2t.Therefore they ferne as badges to diainguifh true Profeffors from Infi- dels and Heathenmen;and as Monuments to bring hea- uenly things to our remembrance. So faith our Sauiour Chri , L/4f 19.22. Doe this in remembrance ofmee. And the Apofile CO the z Corinth:, EA: oft a: yee Bate this bread, anddrink! thisCup,yepublsfh the Lords death till be come. Thirdly,Thc end whyGod dothglue them, is, tobe not Signes u(onely, but Scales and Pledges for the per- fwafion of our heatts, and toconfirme and allure vnto vs thol` fpirituall and heauerly things , which alreadie wee