Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C x A . 4. of Chrif!s Prophetical! office, d-c. 3 6z wee haue anddoe enioy, that is to fay, Chriti himielt , and consequently, lutlification and Sanetification, and vN'ithall Saluation through him, as the Apotfle teacheth, Rotn.. i z . After, be rcceitsed thefine of Circumcifîon, as a Seale of the Righteoufneffe of theFaith which bee had when hewas vncircurrsei/àd,,_ et s ro.47.Can anyman ketpe seater away,that thefe fhould not bee baptiz,ed,which hate: re- ceiued the,holy GhoJl as well as wee? From whence the ga- ther a noble vfc of the holy Sacraments proper to the faithfull : for where the vifible and outward figtic is common unto all, yet being to other but bare and naked fignes , dead and fruitleffe ceremonies, that profit no- thing, becaufe they are not mixed with Faith in thefe that doe rcceiue them : in the faithfull they Peale vp and ratifie the very fubaance and cif( é of the Grace fi nified, the holy Ghot+ performing that in truthwith- in vs , which the outward ceremonie , ioyned vvith the preaching of the Word , reprefenteth to our eyes. But albeit thefe thingsare all of them , in euery Sa- crament set before vs , yet it is in fcuerall and diflina manner : for ofthe Sacraments, fome ferue to Peale vp and affureour firfl ingrafting intoChria and participa- tion of Gods Couenant : forne, cur continuance and growing vp in him. In which two, all Graces are com- prehended. Fourthly, They are to be adminif}red,tbat is to fay,to begiuen and deliuered to the Church,and by the Church tobe taken and rcceiued, Matt.26.26, they ewe, lefus took! bread, and when bee had giteen thanes, bee brake it, and gage tohid Difciples, andfail, ?'ake, Bate; rc. Andtaking the Cup, and hawing giuen thanker, bet game veto them, faying, Drinke yes all of it, efrc. Whereupon a Sacrament is not onely a ligne and a feale, but a,w.orke and an aÜi.on. This AMMON either forour entrance or continuance in the Coue- nant. TheAdmini- ftration,.