Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

3 6z is to deliue_ themwith Prayer unto God, to make the Panne effe- &uail, to the end for the which they were orday- ned: which the Scripture calleth eleßing or Confccration. Mattb.z6, 26, x7. Mgr.4.24,13 The f condBooke of Dirsinitie, CH A r.4. This adminiflration of the Sacraments flandeth not onely in reaching forth, and miniflring the outwardEle- ment, but as is fitting for fo holy an ataion,to confecrate the fame by the Word ofGod and Prayer; teachingand declaring the end, the vfe, the nature , the inflirutionof the Sacrament , with Prayer made before that G od would bleffe them for the helpe of our weakneffe , to which end they were ordayned. This is it which is meant by ble frig or The Papiffs whichhold Corire- confeCration,as mayap- cration to be the making or the Lgne of :he Croft and th mumblingof peareboth by a Mat- a few words , whereby as by a magi- thew and Marke, who . call Incantation , the Bread &Wine after they had fail, ¡e- fhould be tranfubf}antiate. fur took the bread and bleed, immediately adde , and he tooke the Corp and gaese thanker, makingone of thefe words to expound the o- ther. The like is to bee fcene inb Luke, who leaning the word of blefng, coutenteth himfelfe with that of gl- uing of thanks. Pats/ c alfo reciting the In(li.ution , treadeth in Dikes fleps. And fo this word of Bleffing is d v4att.t4. r9. taken in diuers d other places : wee muff not therefore Alar.6.4r, imagine, that this Confccration altereth the nature or Luke 9. i6 fubflance ofthe Sacrament, it onely changeth the 9uali- ZßÌ r' tie,in feparating them from acommon to a holy vfe.Paril, e z.Cor.Ix. tomake that our of.queflion, doLh in one e Chapter, af- ter the Gonfecration, thrice call it Bread. The adminiilration of theSacraments being a mini- 1eriall` Aiior , fo religioufly to bee performed , all the Congregationhaue their part in it. So it was under the Law, a-od i 2.6. In the fourteenth day of this month, let all the affcrnqyaf'the Congregationofthe childrenof 1 fracl kill the Pffîeouer in the twilight, Luke i.59.7he eighth day the Neighbours and the Kinfinen of E L I Z A B E T ki came together t rca c l the child. Our Sauiour, in the Sacra menti b Luke 21.17. c z.Cor.u..rg,