Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.g.. ofChrifis Prophetical/ office,&c. 363 silents of the NewTefiament, doth obferue the fame, Mat.2.6.- y. Dri,rkeye allo f this. And the Apotile doth command, z together,to Bate the Supper ofthe Lord, wait onefor another. Wherefore it is fit,that the placeoftheir celebrating be the Church, or place where the Congregation vfualiy mecteth , and the time the LordsDay. So the Apoillc ( for the place ) doth fharply rebuke the Corinthians, r.Cor. i r.Zi.oppo_ ling the Church,as the oncly place for Gods Sacraments to be adminitired , vnto private houles : Haste you not hoofs toBate and drinke in ? or defife you the Church of God? And for the time, wee finde the pra6lice of the Church recorded , Acis io. 7. that the firshday of the weeks theDifciples afembled together to breaze bread. From all that went before, thcfc things may be ga. chered Firf+,The refemblance and fimilitude and(in all faith- full Recciuers ) the infeparable coniunuion of thefe Signes andScales , with the Graces fignified and be- flowed , whether you compare the things , or the A&ions. The things, that is to fay, the Element , or fenfible and outward matter, with Chrift and his benefits. The A6ìions , to wit, the deliuering ofthe Elements by theM initier, and our taking of it ,which is theout- ward Aetion, with Gods bellowing his Sonne vpon vs, and all good things, and our (by faith)recciuingofhire: by reafón of both which,thc Apoffle fayth, that in Bap- tiime f we put on Chris, and that by g one Spirit wee are all bapptiz.ed into owe Body, and made to drinke into one Spirit. And hence commeth an ordinarie and vfuall Phrale in theScripture, giuing to th- signe the name it felle of the Grace fignified, as when h Circumcifion is called the Couenant; the i Lambe, the Paffeouer, &c, Tothe end they might not be bafcly eficcmcd as or- A a dinaric g 1,Gor. 11.13. i