Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

364 ThefecondBooke ofDtttsnttte, CHAr.4 dinarie and common things , but holily and religioufly thought of. Secondly , The out The Papift3 teach,thl.t the very ward Eletiients being workewrourgir, is Cufficieat to doe onely Signes 8e Scales, away finne. they lignifie , not conferre Grace , hauing no inherent force and power to fanótifie, as fome kind of waters haue to cure Difeafes. And the Miniilers which deliver them , give that which is outward ®ndly. The whole power of fanaifying , commeth from the Holy Chof}, Mat.3,i t . I baptizeyouwith Water vnto Repentance, bast he that commeth after mee, i.r f ranger then I ; heJhall bap àiz.eyogi with the HolyGhosli andfire. Thirdly , They are not of Cuch abfolute ne_ ThePapifls imagine a necef;itie of participating the Sacrament of ceílitie,as if therecoup BaptiCme as if chiIdren dying with- bee noSaluation with- our BaptiGme could not bee faued; out them, feeing they whereas uch are afwell within the arebut Signes &Seales Couenant of Grace as thole than of, the things alrcadie are baptized. had : and therefore not the want , but the neglect and contempt of the Sacraments , maketh meni offenders r 1tech.rr,t6. which the Lord teachethvs by his Prophet k Ezekiel, when hepromifcth to be a San&uarie to his people,that being lead captiue ,. couldnot come to the vifible San- tauarie to worehip there before him : Though I habits, faythhee, dritsen them into other fations, anddifperfed them into ditser.r Countries , yet I (theTruth of the San- &uarie ;ofwhom that is but a Sacrament and Figure am a Sanatearie vnto them. Fourthly, Great preparation is required to the recel- uingofthem, both to vnderfandwhat vwedoe,tbrough a trueknowledge of our owne wretchedneffe , and of the Couenant of Grace inChrift , to fide the fruit and thecomfort which they bring, and to defire and cffe6 to be madepartakers of n. Great reverence and atten- tion