Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.4. ofChrifizs Prophetical! office,erc. 365 tiotr in the receiuingof them, by comparing the Signes and Spirituali things together. Great thankefulneffe after toGod,for his mercies offeredvnto vs in them.Al1 which being neceffarie in the hearing of the Word , is by fo much the more neceffarie here , as God by them doth offer a greater grace, and commeth more neere vn- to vs : wherefore the I Apof}fe fayth, Let a man examine 1 r.Cor.ra<<R, bimfelfe, andfoBate of this Bread, and drinkeof this Cup : z9 for keg' that eateth anddrinI'eth vnworthily eatetb and drinketh condemnation tohimfclfe, not making a difference of theLords Bodie, Fiftly, Thofc that come unto them; not onely to theLords Table, but (if they be ofriper yeeres ) to the Sacrament of Baptifine, are publikely to teilifie their Faithand Repentance. So weereade, c2lat. 34. Then came forth to him lerrafalern ,and all /idea , and all the Countrie roundabout lorden ,andwerebaptized of h. m in lorden, after they hadconfcffed theirfinnes. And Ails8. 36, 37. As they went by the way, they came to a certain water, and the E v A v c H faid,Loe,here is water: what hindreth that Ishould not bee bapt: zed? And PH t L t P Paid, 1f thou beleeucff with thy whole heart, thou mayst. Then he anfivered, Ibeleeue that lefiu Christ is that Sonof God.Then he baptized him, And this is the generali rule giuen concerning thePaffeouer, which was as the Sup- per of the Lord with vs.lfmany Strangerfoiourne among Lea.: z ,t. you, that would celebrate the Par f feouerof I E H o V A H , let euery Maleofthem 6ecircumcifed : whereby he may te- flifie his confent in the fame Faith and Religion with you, and fo let himcome tocelebrate it. None vncircurn- c ifed(hall eate thereof. Sacraments differ from Sacrifices ( betides other dif- ferences) maynly in nature, for, Era , Sacrifices were giaen , offered , and prefented unto God :Sacraments are taken and receiucdof God., by the hand of the Minif}ors ofhis Word, A z Sc-