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366 The fccndBoske ofDtuinitie, CII A P.4, Secondly, Sacrifices were Signes and Figuresof good things n to come. Sacraments arc Signes and Remembrances of good things aireadie come. The next head is a holy Miniflerie, which Chrift hat-h giuen to his Church, efor theperfelling ofhis Saints,for the building .rp of hts body: for this power is deriued fromCbrift,as from the Head and Lordof the Prophets, as we reade, Mat .23.34.Therefore behold, l (ChriP,P the Wifedorne ofGod, as Luke bath it) fendvetoyou Prophets andWife-rnen.Ephef.4.11. He therefore hitnfelfe(Chrif}) sanefame to be Apostles, &c. Mat.16.19. I willglue vnto thee the keyes ofthe KingdorneofHeauen : And from him haue all the Minifters , euery one fince the Worldwas, fetched their authoritie. By his Spirit it was, that they fpake , as wee heard before out of q Peter. Wherefore, Reuel. 2 a. 6. hee is called , The LordGodofthe holy Pro- phets: as may appeare, if you compare that place with Rsuel. I.12. The difference betweene his Minifterie and theirs, fiandeth in theft two things : Firft, That hee their Head and Lord executed all the parts of his Minifterie in another fort , and with greater authoritie and power then any M inifier before , or after him, Mxt.y.28,29. andMarker. 22. They were ofonied at his teaching : for he taught them as one that had autho.. ritie, andnot as the Scribes. Secondly, The Prophets and the Miniflers whom hee Pent, fpake from him ,and in his Name. But hee fpea keth fromhirnfelfc, and inhis owne name, r I fay veto L._ n It followethto ipeake of Mi- nil}cries and Graces. Min& ries are publiée Fun - &ionsin the Church. o Fphefe.T pLuke t I. 0. I,Pet.t.%%. rMat.'5.12. ??, 32,34,39s Specially for prea.. Bing JON. Of there Minif}eries many thingsmight be fpoken,full of great varietie , and of deepe and difficult dueftions, concerning their Calling, Election, Ordination ,The keyes of the Church committed into their hands , Their power of binding and loafing, and the whole Order and