Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.q,. ofChriftsPrapheticalloffict,&c. 367 and Gouerriment ofGods Houle : But I will kaue them all and hold me onely to that of Preaching andAdmini- flring of the Sacraments. Preaching therefore is the worke of the Minillerie, andof thole whomGod bath lawfully called to execute that publike Funtt on in the Church; for f How can theypreach, except they be font ? So that the handling of the Word by any other that bath no callingfor it ,how well Comer bee handle the fame , and how truely foeuer bee expound it, is not that preaching which Chrillhath ordayned to bringmenunto faluation by. Not that it is vnlawfull for private men to deale with the holy Scriptures and to open and expound the fame, fo every onekeepe him within the bounds and lifts of his Calling , and looke what is fit for him , according to the gifts and graces he bath received : but that is of the Mailer in his Family,and within his private walls. This whichwe fpeake of, is publike in the Congaegation and in the Church of God. The duticof Preaching carrycthwill it, and bath, as it were, inclofed in the nature and bowels there ,?f, ano ther dutie of offering the Churches Prayers which can neuer be feparated from the dutie of Teaching. Samuel ioyneth them together, t.S, mo . 2.23.Moreouer touching me: Godforbid that Ifhouldfrnneag.r n11 I E H o V A H, in ceafrng toprayforyou: yea , Iwrll infrufflox in the good andright away. And the whole Coliedge of the Apoffles, Reis 6. 4. But wewill alwayes continue in Prayer , and in ministration ofthe Word. Pub like Prayer is , for the Minifter to offer vnto God the Prayers andSupplications of the Church ; that as in Preachingbee is the Mouthof God onto hispeople , fo in Prayer bee is the Peoples Mouth veto God: +or the Church or Congregation is the placeofpublike Prayer; and if one lift to it by hirr+felfe , hee bath his houle to pray in , but in the Church all are to attend the. Aa3 Mi- C ( which inc1u deth the dutic of off:ring the Churches Prayers)