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368 ThefocondEvoke ofDininitie, CHAP.z}. :tetd Admini- íiration of thc Säcrarncntm. t 8xod.4.3. Miniffer, which is in C HR I S T S place vnto them. And that which he, one man dothoffer, well appea- reth to be the Prayers of the Church, by the peoplesgi.. sting ofcontent to that hee prayeth , and faying e%tnaen unto it, which appeareth to haue beene the laudable vfe of the old Church, Nehem. 8.y. Where E z RA 6leffinn IE H o V A R thegreat God,all thepeople anfweredAmen, Amen, with liftingvp their hands. andftooped, andbowed downe themfelues to IE H o Y A H, with their faces to he round-ward. The Primitiue Church in the Apofiles time did re. tayaethe fame, asappeareth, i.Cor.i4.t4,i5,i6,i7. in that the Apoflleby this Argument condenjneth thofe that in the Congregation pray in a firange Language, there being none for to interpret it : For then, faith he, howTall hee thatfupplyeth theplaceof an vnlsarnedman, fay Amen,at thygiuing ofthanker,foraft uch ac. he. know. ethnot what thoufayeif ? To the Miniífers alto belongeth the Adminiffratiort of the Sacraments : for in that they haue power to deale with the Word itfelfe ;. the difpenfation of thofe holy things , which arebut Scales andPledges of theWord, and of the promifes made in Chriff, cannot bee denied them ; the Sacraments beiing,as it were, a vifible Word; in which refpe&l they are laid to haue a t voyce : where.. fore our Sauìour,Mat.a8,19. coupleth them, together, Teach all 7(ations_, baptizing them, &c. TheMiniffers of the Word being fome of them ex- traordinarily rayled vp of God, other comnming in by the ordinary calling of the Church :. in thole of the for- ma fort wee are fpecially, to confider the Minifferie of certaine fele6 perfons, infpired of G oD to deliuer the truthof-Chriffian Do&rine, both by word and writing, whichwere the Prophets of theOld Teffament, and the Apoffles of the New. Whereupon wee are laid to bee n.batiltupon the foundationof the Prophets and_Apoftles,. lefig. Among the. Minifters of the Wo d, fome haue bin (extraordina- rily ) infpired of Chriff. 1.1 rpcV2,.27,,