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CH A 1' .4. o f ChráflsPropheticalloffice, &c. 369 lefus Chriff himfelfebeing the headcornerftone.And Peter f}irreth vp thole to whom hewrites , to remember the 'wordsfpohen before of the holy Prophets, and the Common. dement ofvs, faith he, the Apof#les oftheLord andSaari_ ®asr.So it is faid,Reaael.21.14. Thewallofthe Citie,new le.. rufalem, had twelvefoundations ,andupon them the twelue names of the twelve. Apolllesofthe Lambe. And in that fence Peter and the refs may well be taken to bee that y RocfZe, vpon which Cbri, dodo build his Church. In thispoint ofthePropheticall and Apoflolicall Mi- eriflerie, I oblerne foure things : Firfl, That they fpake , and wrote by Dinine Infpira_ Lion: for Prophefein times pall,faith the Apoflle,2.Pet. 1.21. came not by the will ofman , but as they were mooned by theholy Spirit,did theho ly men ofGodfea,lg.And Paul % to Ti M o T H I &,fill Scriptureis infjiredof.God,and is profitable to teach, &c. Secondly, The manner how they deliuered this Do &rine , which was in two forts ; by liuely voyce, or *writing. The liuely voyce was euer in the Chqrch , fromthe beginning,to thedeathof the Apoflle .; : All which time there was ahtZoll no Age, wherein at the lea;l'fomeholy manof God was not extraordinarily iiirred vp, to deli - uer the Do6hi e of Truth , from the immediate mouth ofGod, although there were ny fly times intermifïìons, as the Iilorie loth (hew. Andthe Church complayneth in the a Pp/rims : yea, this Do6lrine was oftentitoes corrupted and adulterated, but by newReuelations re- floreti a aine a;-id kept in the Ertl Integririe. In limiting the liuelyvoyce to the time of the Apo- files it mull not fo be taken, as if the liuely voyce of the Miniflers of Gov did not cotinue lull in the Church: but that is of Paflors, andTeachers, who are, and <ilwayes were to fetch their light from thedirection of the Prophets and Apofiles; it is not of extraordi-, A a 4 narie x L Pet. 3.1. y Mat.t6.r8. z Z,T .ls. to deliuer both by liuet,q voyce. a rid. 74,