Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

370 ThefécondBooke ofDiuinitie, CH A P .4. narie men infpired of theHoly Ghof} , as the Prophets and Apofiles were. The reafon why a liuely voyce, continuing fo long as from the beginning of the World, vntill theApoftles time,fhould ceafe with their death, dotti appeare, Hob. I . z, 2.where it is fail, that God in many pieces , andafter ditaersfafhions, ofoldfpake to the Fathers by theProphets : but in thefe latterdayes he bath#°ken vntovs by the Son. For fo long as the Word was deliuered but by parcels, and that there remayned fomething f} ill behind , more cleerelyand manifeftly to be reuealed (which was till he fpake fully and lafily by his Sonne)fo long a liuelyvoice was neceffarie, wherewith euery newReuelation doth beginne t but longer therecan be no vfe of it; for that Ihould plainly argue , that the Reuelation of the Myfle- rie ofChrifl by Chrift himfelte, we:e not yet perfe61. and writing By writing they did deliucr it in the Canonicall Bookes of the Old and NewTeflament, which by way of excellencie wee call the Scriptures , or thewritten Word; beguntae by (Afofei, and continued during all the time before mentioned , euen to the death ofthe A- pofiles. Thofe Bookes are in the Old Teftament, Genefis,&c. In the New, Matthew, &c. As for the Bookes commonly called Apocrypha, wee acknowledge therein manyprofitable things contained, and good for morall intlru&Rion;efpecially rn Eccleftafi- cue, and in the Bookeof wifdome , and fome things alfo nece farie for the vnderf}anding of the ílorie of the Church : yet becaufe they carrie not the print of Gods. Spirit, which the fpirituall man difcerneth, they are not equalled or matched with the Scriptures. And becaufe in many of them,flat vntruths and contrarieties maybee found , and in one and the fame ílorie , contradi6lions with the true ílorie penned by the Holy Choft, and its uaoft ofthem diuers things either friuolous and abfurd, or