Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.4. OfChrifts Prophetical/ office, &c. 371 or manifetily falfe and forged , or Dot rines taught and commended, which the WordofGod condemneth ; we cannot without impìetie lift' them ern into the Chaire of Truth. Betide, They were neither written hi the Hebrew, nor receiued of the Iewes, b to whom'were committedall the Oracles ofGod, under the OldTeaari:ent. But that thole whichwee call Canonical! Scriptures, were infpircd ofGod,is to be prouedbyarguments and teafons taken from the Bookes themfclues. Asfirif, the Maietiie of the Word in fo great fimpli- citie , and fo familiar and plaine a filie , fo piercing and effeaing the conícience, whichall the eloquence ofthe world ( and lay it all together) is not pcìbly able to doe, although there lacke not alto eloquence in the Word, but beauenly and diuine. Secondly,The harmony and confent offo many per- fons, writing at feuerall times, in feuerall places, and a- ges, offeuerall arguments andmatters, all lumping and concurring inone, as led byone and the fame Spirit. Thirdly, The holineffeof the matter it felfe , not fa- uouring of the world , but leading vs by the hand , out and from, avoue the world. Fourthly, The predi6honof future things,many hun- dred , yea, thoufand yeeres before they came to paffe, which all fell out accordingly. Fiftly,The fecret and hidden things there difcouered, which no wifdome of the earth, no wit ofman was able to reach vnto. Some few fparkes whereof( (fallen from hence) haue cati fuch a light in the writings of Heathen men, as bath made them to (cerne diuine. Sixtly, The faithful! and fincere dealingof the Pen- menwhomGodbath vfed that haue not ípared to lay open their ovine nakedneffe and fbakne ,thenakedneffe and flume of their Wiues,Children, Families, &Tribes ofwhom they came. Seuenthly, b Rot,. 3,1. ad 94