Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

372. the fecond Booke of Diulsaitie, CH A P.4. Seu y, The end and drift of all , which is , to glue gtorie untoGod,and to beat downeand abafe the pride of man. A recoil(' fort of argument , is from the authoritie of theChurch, whichmay moue and well perfwade vs of them. The third and la{l ( without which , all the mil, whe- ther humane teflimonies , or other arguments , are no- thing ) is the teflimonie of the Spirit it felfe, bearing witnefleof them, Efay 59.21. IllySpirit that is in thee, and my word that I have put in thy mouth. Therefore, Efay 54.13.the faithful' are Paid to be fuch as are taught ofGod. And P A v L faith, ThejPirituall man difcerneth all things, I.('or.2.15. Therefore it is not the judgement ofthe Church,which maketh vs beleeue the Scriptures : but the Church is the e Foh. 4.39,40, fameto thetettimonie ofthe Spirit, that the c woman of 4I,4z. Samaria was to the preaching of our Sauiour Chria; becaufe of whofe words , many of theSamaritans were brought to beleeue in Chrift : but when hee himfelfe -came and preached arong5 them,they tell her plainely, Nowwee beleeue no more becaufeof thy#eech : for wee ourfelzaes hams- heard , a ; ;d !¿norms, that this r of a trueth, That Saviour of the world ,That Ora. So the judge- ment of theChurch may well bee a motiue at the firt+, and alfo bring great flay and confirmation to a mind that is once inlightred , but the maine ftrengthof all dependeth upon the teftinionio ofthe Spirit. (fo as they Thirdly,` In the minißcrie of the Prophets and Apo- could not files, I obferue the eivalîtie of their do`trine,, thus deli- err` ueredby divine infpiration. Firf, r, It was not fubjea to error ; forhowfoeuer they weremen fubie6I to finfi ll infirmitie, and, in part onely regenerate, whofe feruice it pleafed God to life for this purpofe; yet in the delìuery of the Doctrine, theywere fo extraordinarily gouerned and infpiréd with his Spi- rit,