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CH A P.4. OfChrifts Prophetical! Office, &c. 373 rit, that they d couldby no meanes erre, d iohn í6.r3, Secondly, It is holy, both the whole and euerypart, whereupon grow thefe fpeeches, e Theholy menofGod, e s.Pet.r.2Y. f The holyProphets, g Theholy 4postles, h The holy Com- f z.Pet.3.z. mandements, ¡The holy Scriptures: whereas all other g Eph3.5 . bookes and fpeeches of men are prophane, further then xem.' 82°° they fetch forneholineiic from hence. h z.Pet.z.ns: 1 gB19r.I.7. Thirdly, That both their fermons , and thefeBookes writtenby the Spirit ofChrif}, are offoueraigne autho- ritie in the Church ofGod, and haue the foie pre-emi- nence for the decidingof all controuerfies, the fudging anddifccrning ofall fayings , and writings ofmen t for veto them the holy Ghofi cloth alwaies call vs, k To the k Ejay Lawand the testimonie,i f theyJ cakenot according to this Word, itis,,becaufe there is no light i.n therm. And this is it which Chria vied as the weapon to Toile Satan, Mat. 4. So theApoiile Paul, T., or.i 5.3:4maketh the Scrip- tures to glue credit to his doh rine ,1 hatee delivered unto you , that whlsh Ihaue received; that Christ dyedfor our 'inn's, according to the Scriptures, and that he was buried, and that hewad rayfed the thirdday,according to theScrip- tures, &c. Themen likewife,ofBerhea, Ads 17.1a . ara commended for examiningby the Scriptures the things which Paul taught. Therefore our Saviour t, I ioi,n549. ffrreth vs to the Scriptures , as to the Touch4lon.e of truth, Search theScriptures ; and in m another place, Tee m Mat.zzósg.. errenot k;tewinc the Scriptures:For the authoritie ofchefe Bookes is fo much greater than the authoritie of the Church, as the authoritie ofGod,who cannot erre,muft needs be greater than the. autho- ThePopifhDoarinc, title of men, that_mayand dòe which han eth the au- thori-ieofthe Scriptures, e' re. Againe,the Church hath-her vpon the Church. life and beeing.from theWord,, inaimuch asfaith,whichmaketh a Church, cannot bee without the Word : So. had mot the Wordfrom the Church. Thirdly.,