Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

374 n Ga1.1.8,9. o Epb,a.:o. I.COr.3.I r. Efay z8.14. The fecond Evoke of Diuinitie, CH A r.g,. Thirdly , It is aboue the authoritie of the Angels of heauen, n who, ifthey preach anyother dotirine, arc to be held accurfed : Howmuch more , aboue the authori. tic ofthe Church? Fourthly , Our Sauiour Chria attributeth this excel.. lencie to his Word , whichmen or Angels cannot chal- lenge, that in the latter Day , it is That which fhall istdde him that doth not receiue it, John 12.48. But why then is the Church called thePillar ofTruth, i.Tim. 3.15 ? Surely ,becaufe theTruth ofGod dwel- lethno where elfe ; and there is alwaies Truth fufficient to faluation ; Not that the Church either beareth and bringeth forth the Truthof God , or is the chicle and fundamental) ground tohold it vp : for theher felfe bath another foundation to Rieke vnto , from whence Thee fetcheth all her Truth, which is thedoetrineof thePro- phets and Apofiles , o Chria himfelfe beeing the head Corner-Rene ; and is not the Mother, but the Nurfe of theTruth of God , that cherifheth and preferueth the fame, and giuetb telimonie thereof veto the World. To the true meaning of the Scriptures,we are to reach by the Scriptures thcmfelues , the fame Spirit that indi- ted them, fuggeting andopening the fence votovs. So did the Leuites ( that taught the people , Neher&8.9.) render thefenfe , andglue the vnderslandingof it by the Bcrtpture it felfe. Our Sauour allo, Matth.4. beeing fetvpon bySatan , that clipped and wrefled the Scrip- tures , to ferue his owne turne , confuted his falle glof.. les and expofitions of it., by the conference of other Scriptures. The meanes we mull vfc for this purpofe, are thefe : Firfl, we mull come with a mind toprofit, and tobe wade thebetter by them , not tomade them for know- ledgeonely,or vaine oftentation, much leffe to cauill at them. Secondly, Prayer is to bevied toGod, to open and enlighten