Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P.g,. ofChrifisPrapheticallofficra &c. 375 enlightenour hearts , that wee may fee the wonderful) things that lye hid therein. Thirdly, Wee are to frequent the Houle ofGod , and to glue diligent attendance vpon the Minifery and Preaching, of the Word, whereby the Doc`;trines deliue- red in the Scriptures , are beaten out, and made familiar and plaine vnto vs : the fame being alto the ordinarie meanes , by which the holy Ghoft lothvie to worke in our hearts all true and fpirituall wifedome. Fourthly, The true fenfe and nature of the words, eueryoneapart , and the conthuóion of them altoge. ther, mutt be waighed. Fiftly, We mutt alwaies take the proper and natural) fenle, ifthe matter it felfe will beare it. Sixtly, The fumme of the matter , the fcope anddrift of the place , the Arguments and their coherence , the method, and the order oftheText muff be rcfpeòted. Seuenthly, We mutt conferre it with other places of the Scriptures the darke and obfcure ones , with choie that aremore lightfome. Eightly, We mutt alwaies hold the analogic or pro- portion of, faith , neuer framing any expoíition to our felues, that altereth or declineth from chat. The fourth and lait qualifie is , that in euery age the wholeTruth of God was deliuered by a liuely voyce, as touching the fubttance of the Doctrine, although in greater cleerenetfe, vpon the comming of Chrift , then tuer it was before, and la(tlyand perfectly( wherein we are now to rat, both for the fubfiance and manner of reuelation) it is fully and abfolutely comprehended in the Scriptures : So as vie (hall not need to fl:'e eyther to Anabaptifts and Libertines,that bring Vif®ns, andKeue in Vifions and Reuelarions , as if the lattons, or to mens Word of Godwere imperfe&. Tradions and In- Papií}s that fupply it by mens Traditions,and Intentions, Vnwri-ttaa Verities, Sentences of Fathers' Canons of Cuuncels&c, the whole Truth of Ghrift uentions,