Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

376 p tchn 5.39. q 16,17. rA+tszo.z7. f IAN i0.3s. aid had power to worke Mi- racles ,for the confirming of their doftrine. S.KingsT. U I.itin $ 17.1. Retries 5.17,18: r he fceot7dBooke of Dttetnttre, CH Aë':4., ventions, to VnwritcenVerities , Sentences of Fathers, Canons of Counsels, &c. for to helpe vs : but 211 is to be had in thewritten Word: for whenour Sauiour faith, P Yee erre, not knowing the Scriptures , bee manifeffly teachcth that all Truth is to bee learnt from thence. And the ti Apof ie commendeth the Scriptures as being able to make vs wife vnto faluation : for the wholeScrip- ture,faith he,is miredofGod,andis profitable vetoDoc_ trine,vntoRcproofe,vntoCorreflion,vnte Inflrostlion which is in Rtghtecufnefje, that the man ofGodmay beeperfeff, perfeWlly fitted to emery good worke. Which foure things ( comprehending all that can bee neceffarie ) fecing the Word of God is able thorowly to furnifh a Minìfter witball , who is to difclofe the r whole counfell of God unto the people , it muli needs bee able to informe a common Chrifiian vnto faluation.lohn fallo giucth this tcffimonie of the Scriptures, that they are written, to the end that beleetring,reemight Kane euerlaffing life. And the Booke of theReatelation bee fhuttethvp with this moll carnal protefiation , any man,sdde to the words ofthe Prophecie ofthis Tooke , Godwill,*dde vnto him the feuen plagues written in this Book: and ifany man take awayfron, thewords ofthe B00%eof' this Prophecie,God trill take away hispart ofthe Tree ofLi;e, &e.Rcu. a z.I 8,t 9.Which ¡fit be true in that oneBooke alone, howmuch more fhail it hold in all the Bookes of the Scripture let together? Fourthly , In the Miniflerie of theProphets and A- pofiies ,I obferue, that they had thepower of working Wonders for the confirmation and fealing vp of their Do&rine, being innobled of God with a rare and He roicall Spirit, for the workingof 'nightie andpowerful! things As heft, touching the Prophets, what great and wondetfull matters God wrought by their hands , the Stories .euery-where doe teRifie .; when Elias , as it were a pettieGod , could fetch t fire fromHeauen by his Prayer, u shut vp Heanen, that no raine Mould fall,