Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP .4. OfChrifis Propheticalloffse, &c. 377 fall, but at his word,(as the Miniflcr ache Lord before whom he flood ) and by his Prayers open them againe; when thofe that efcaped from the hand of lehu,. *.Elifha could cause to dye; when x Azfofcs with his f;affe was able to turne the waters intobloud, &c. The Apoflles alfo haue their Comrniffion isn this be halfe recorded, Marke t 6,15, Coe. into all the world,aa:d preach the Gof'ell,&c. and there Signes1hal1 follow them.i that doe beleeue: In my Name the/II-allcá,ß orit Detrils,they 1h411fPeak,e with new tongues,theyfhailde/Jroy Serpents.:K.nd if theydrink: any deadly thin , it Jhallnot /flirt them ; vpon' the weak! theyfhalllay their bads, and-theyAall bewell. And this is it which the Apoftle faith: to theHebreare i 5 that God hi nfelfegaue testimony to thepreaching f tlae yHeb.a.4. e..Qposatles , bothby Signer andwonders;and many powers, or powerful! things, and d:ihibution.ï ofthe Holy Wherefore Miracles(,wherewtth it plea. 13erefies fed God to grace the extraordinarie Mi- and nifleries ofthe Prophets and Apoffles, are All other Mi- Errors. long rinse cealed,neither could they now- nifteries are to , adayes ferue to any vfe, the truth °.being, fetch their ThePa iris, light from the which make long aooe abotandantly. confirmed by g 4' g b Do&rive of Miracles a Chriff and his Alaofttlea. tho e that note of their Laffly , all other Minif+eries in the werefoinfpi Church;are 2. Church are and alwaye.s were to fetch red. Wayea f aultie. :. Graces are Fin it, The their light from theDocirineof the Pro- Gifts for e to Miracles they phets and Apofiles that. were fo infpired. discharge he fo bragge and To the Miniflerie CHRIST hath ad- thufepublike hoafi of are ded Gifts : Gifts i forprofit , as the Apo- Fun&tons, . fare and fay- file fpcaketh , that is for the Churches i i.cór.i a.7. . ned. Secondly, They vfe their Miracles ( fuch as theybee) to awrong end, for adun- cingofe:ronious and lyingdodrines, and to alike the. truth of the Gofcell,for con- firmation whereofall Miracles ought to ferue,,Isi which cafe their pretended Miracles (though they timid be admitted true ). areof no, worth, u t.3. t, s, 3, 4,5,- for the Trutho& God fbincthof it reIte fo bright, that' no Miracles to the contrarie are of force toobfcure it. But added for confirmation; as they Chrifl andhis A146--,.; files andby theholy Prophets, theymake the fame moreglorious. íco w I,K.7tZ,19.E7. R Ñ':ioLf a}.'