Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

378 ThefncoMa`Boodre ofDtfttnttre, CH A P.4. t 44114.7. Gifts for a mans owne privatc, are knowledge of' theWordof Chrift common good , which is another of thofe richendow. roents,and neceffarily coupled with the former : for the Largeffe of Chrifi vntohis Church had not beene fo bountiful) in the feuerall forts of Miniferics,vnleffe he had withal! beRowed vpon them graces , and abilitic to difcharge the fame for the glorieofGod,and edification of his people ; by giuing themknowledge to teach the D o:Arine of Chrill out of the Scripture , by laying forth theTruth foundly , and confutingof contrarie errours: Wifedome , toapply it alto to all good vies of comfor- ting , caning dowse flirringvp , reproouing; which in one word we terme exhorting, and other the like gra. ces : for thefe alto we haue not from our felues but all a ourfarfciencie to beMiniflers ofChrifi unto other , re fromGod. The Apofile calleth thefe kind ofGifts , by the saute ofb Graces , that make men apt and fit for the worke of theMini fie rie, i.Cor.i2.g,5,6.11low there bee differences ofGraces, but thefame Spirit : and there bee differencesof Min:fferies, but thefame Lord. And there beedifferences ofoperations,( or faculties to worke great and wonder- full things) but the forme God there is , that workerth all thofe things in all. And fo I diainguifh thole words in the quefidnof the High Prieflsvnto the Apoilles , e y what power, or by what name haue you done this? As if they fhould haue laid , By what Gifts or Calling? noteth the Gift andGrace: the other the Fun&ion or Calling it felfe. OfGifts that are for a mans owne private,is out know- ledgeand vnderflanding oftheWord ofChrill. An ex- cellent and a goodly grace: for howfocuer knowledge of it felFe, without fur- tiler grace, bee not of ThtPopifh aßèrtion, thatIgno- rance is the Mother of Deuotion: power to preforme the Which the Apcí{le maketh the Mo. bart,yet it is fonecefla- ther of Pride, andof Rebellion a- ry, that the holyGhof} gainíl Clod. Rom.=o.3. pro-