Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A P. 4. ofChrifts Prophetácall offi'ce, &c, 379 pronounceth , e Without knowledge the heart cannot bee t Pr0.19.2. good. And this alfo is the proper \\ orke of Chrift ;for, f No man hat h faene GodAt any time : theoney begotten f lobs Sonne who is in the bofcrne of his Father, bee hashdecla- red himj. But knowledge, as I faid,a man may haue,and yet be and ataiie of neuer a whit the necrer to his faluation nor haue made the fweetncil pace vnto the hcauenl Kinodome as touching an of it which one p y , y being th Eaigit ct_ reformation of the heart. That which followeth,bring- cief}ep that eth a changeand alteration with it , which the g Apoflle is poilible for calleth,.A tailingof the goodword ofGod, &-c. meaning any IZeprobacc the fweet promifes ofthe Gofpc11, and is the furthel} toafcend. flep that it is poffible for any Reprobate to goe.b'G'4` Wherein I obferue foure things ; Firt+,That it is a peculiar worke of Chri(I, and corn h Heb,co. :. meth not but from him, and h the Spirit of his Grace, i wags ao Secondly, That it is not a counterfeit Phew of hall- wyévlas, neffe,orin hypocrifieoncly, but a matterrf truth, and k tteb.6,4. an excellent grace of God wrought indeede in them, 1 Ieb.zo.z9. touching and affeainr their hearts as theApoille Peter Theyber 13 for plainly theweth , 2. Pet. I. 8. They beguile thcfe, that time. i indeed had efcaped from then that were contserfant in lobncL,14. errour. Many belçcmcd, Thirdly , I obferue the neereneffe and affiaitiethat it andyethetould bath with the fauing faith,and the fruits ofthis with the n0G G0`ithinz- fruits of that :. in which refpe61 it leafeth the holy T veto t 1 p ) vecanfe hie ne Gho(l to call them bothby one and the fame name ; for them all,and they arc faid k to bee enlightened , 1 to receiue theSpirit of 'vb,,tWas in Grace , m to haue Faith , to beleeue that the n vncleane te r, Grit is gone ofthem, O to flye the pollutions of the World, Then S.mon alfa s r %lfe be- P to bee wafhed, q to beefan1tifled by the Spirit,* to bee made lçenred. partaker of theholy Glòofi. And the mayne fume commit- n Afatth.I1.47.:. ted here-againil, is termed in the Scripture , c Sine a- ° gainftthe holy Ghofl. p Heb.i o.2 So that these men come to the skirt of the holy Land; Heb ca 9 and asMofei did from mount Nebo behold it from a far, f AidaL.13,3z B b or