Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

3 8o changeth after a fort mans corrupt na- ture, t tisó,ro.s6. u Aas 14.25, x Heb.ra,17.` y 1Ylatt.17.35 z Rebao.2.5. a Heb.6.4,i0 b Mattis 3. so. C Iohn 53 S'. Marl¿e6.ìo. .c 6ad.+}; r5, The pond Bockeof Diuinitie, CHAP. g:, or rather are at the very gateof the Kingdome of Hea- ven, thoughfor lackeof Faith they cannot enter in. In nature it commeth fo neere , that they tafle the fweetne%and excellency that is inChritl,as we (hewed before out of Heb. 6.4. In the fruits and effcáts ; that a great and wonderful! change is wrought in them,in all theirparts and powers, their vnderftanding, will, affections, wages. For , touching their Vnderflanding ; they are I in- lightened to the knowledge and acknowledgement of Chrifl. Touching their Will ; they delre to bee like Gods Children , and to be faued,as Balsamdid, Neam.23.i0. O that myfoulemet die the death of the Righteome, and that my lafi end night be like theirs ! For their Afft6t.ons; to omit thole, that comming from the Law and Coueuant of works, may bee in fuch as neuer heard ofChritl, as terrour and pricking ofcon- fcience for their hunes , which u Felix had , when Pail difputed of Ri`hteoufiieffe, Temperance, and of the ludgement tocome , to bee forry for them , as x Efay, that with teares fought theblefïing; and Y lid+u , that repented 1-im, and in the angui #h of his foule hanged h;mfelfe. Thofe that property belong to this place, are, Firff, an imbracing of the Truth; whereupon they are faid x to receive the word , and to reeeiie the acknowledge- ment of theTruth, as it were taking it in their armes, and imbracia g it. Secondly, Joy and Gladneffe in the fwect promifesof the Gofpell : a They tafle thegood Word of God , and the powers ofthe life to copse ; b they receiae the Wordby andby with soy. So did the c levees, who willingyreloyced for 4 while in I o HN s light. And d Herod , that heard him gladly. Thirdly, Zeale, which was in tl,e Galatians, C that receiued.Porl as anAngel,and would haue pluckedout their