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CHAP. 4. OfChrisProphetical) Office,&c. their eyes to haue done him good , and yet afterwards fell away. Sowas f ¡chu zealous for Godscaufe, in the defacing of Idolatrie, and yet a g wicked man. Fourthly , Reuerence of theMini(}ers , as HEROD h reuerenced Ion N , knowing him to bee a iußanda holy man, andobferued him. Changes in their aéions and wayes (BeGdea confef- fion of their faults with 1 PHARAOH, 1 hauefinned this time : IE H O VA H tímaf 1,6ut 1,andmmy people are molt wicked. And k SA.v L , I have finnednow, &c. And a conforming of themfelues in the outward duties of holineffe,as to heare theWord preached, which 1l:ered did,to Prayer,&c.They haue thefe, Firfl , vexation in themfelues, and difquietneffe of mind,before they commit finne, and feare to commit it. So mHerodwas fore grimed to grant Iierodi u requeft, when fhe asked John 73aptyls head : and n `Pilatemuch troubled inmind, before bee condemned Chrif}, and fought all ineane% to put it off. Secondly, Repentance, and a kind of humiliation for finnes committed ; aslhab,that rent hi` clothes, andpet fackclsthupon hare; andfaffed, and wentfoftly, in tokenof mourning. Thirdly, Amendment of life in many things, Flying P the pollutionof the World. To come to the fourth point : therein I obferue the great difference that is betweene this Grace and Faith, both in the natureof the things , and in the fruites and effe6ts that come from them, how like foeuerin Phew they feeme tobe. In nature they differ two manner of wayes: Firfl, Here is but a tafle onely, not an apprchenfion and layinghold of Chrifl, to make him ones ownc,like vnto a Cooke that tafleth of themeat, and fpittcrh it out 2gaine, or as he that wafheth his mouth with water, but lettethit not goe downe his throat :hereupon it is, Bbz that 3.81 f 2,I( g s.I(,in. i 0.3r. b Marke 6.2o. i 8xod.9.2.7, k 7.Sam.15.14; &z.6.2t. l Marke 6. :0. m Marke 6.2.6. n Matt.s7.4. o t.l(ingsZr,; P