Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

...melpnals. ;82 The f cDYid BOOke. ofD1fi819tt8Pr Cit A 17.4. q Matt,i3.zr. that they are laid to q want a r mote which the faith- r celz.7., full haue. From whence I gather , that theirfahh is but a ge- neral' and confufed faith, NN' hereby they are perfwaded, that God will bellow many great and glorious things vpon thole that are in Chrifl , but neuer wrellle with their owne foules , to apply and appropriate the fame vnto tkemfelues ; they know not what it meaneth to haue Chrifls Righteoufneffe theirs, or their finnes to bee laved vpon him : they fait no to iimonie of reconcilia_ tion toGod, no alfurance that all things are for good vnto them, no peace. of confcience, no hope of eternall life , theexcellenciewhereof they are rauifhed withajl,. and admire to behold inothers, as Balaam the fallepro-. phct did,, but find in themfelues ro comfort of it, no more then a man doth of the Sunne,when it fbineth not in his owne !Ï rizon. The fecond difference betweene the nature of faith and it is, that this tafle (whatfoeuer the fame be) is not f at.00.;r,2.t. of Chrifl himfclfe whofe { leaf} touch hath a fauing vertue ioyned with it but offorce fineerneffe that coon meth from him; nornore then the Cooke that licketh his fingers. can be laid to cate ofthe meate prepared for hip Mailers Table So as their eflate may bee likened veto thofe,. who comming out of a clofe Dungeon, . where, in all their life, they Heuer law the Sunne,affoone- as they comeinto a more open place, vpon the firíl ca- fling ofthe bcamcs, are rauifhed with the excel!encie of the Sunne , though yet they fee not the Sunne it felfe for. the Reprobr.te er>ely fee a glimmering of the light . of the Sunne, at the dawningof the day, before it ari ir,Pet>.r,ty, feth ; hcreas the Elea haue the t Day f arre, euen the Sunne of R1ghteourncf e, ChriflIcfus ?Vine in their heart.: the comfortable beate whereof doth qui( ken it. r, 7 and reuiu fa e th 1n, as it is d , The N Day - ffringfrom A efay.6o.t)3. an highBoth vtffìts therr,> ;The %glerieof Goddoth err: '. op'n