Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH AF. 4. ofChrifis Propheticall offrce,&c. them: or they may bee likened vnto a tìranger that tra- uailing, a farre: Countrie,feeth the flatc and magnificence of the Court, and is admitted into the Prefence-Cham- ber, which greatly Both affe6 him, though bee himfelfe haue nopart, nor interell in the King. Touching the fruits andg e&s; the thorow- thangc wrought in Gods Children , differeth from this kinde of charge, which falleth vpon the Reprobate many ayes. Firf+, In the things themfelucs ; for their reformation is not a whole and found conuerfion unto God e but a- mending fome one or few faults, they hold Tome other f}ill,which they can neuer be brought to kaue. As Y He- y , arke d.te rod, who did many things, andyet would not part from his brothers wife : whereas the godly doe not force things, but all they are commanded. Secondly, In the manner; for their affcaionsare but yet `'o, as it: vanifhing, and flitting motions , that fuddcnlygoeout, maybe loft like veto a blaze of fire or elfe for want of cherifhing againe: by Prayer, hearing ofthe Word,and other holy meanes, as it were of putting Oyle in their Lamps , in time it cornmeth to beequcncht, or elfe when they are touched to the quicke , that they fee the following of Chris , cannot (land with the fatisfyingoftheir owne delights, or other matters which they are reiolued to keepe; they choofe rather to lofe him , then to forfake themfelues, and fo for pleafure,profit,or feare ofmen, they vomit vp all againe. Thirdly, In the end ; for both they delire to be faued, not to glorifie God, but onely becaufe theyare afraid of hell, as may bee feene in Bottum: and theyconfef a their faults and leaue and forfake finite , not becaufe they hate and diflike it , but for feare of judgement ; where- as the godly are forty and grieued in heart,becaufe they offend a louing andmoll gracious Father. Fourthly, In themeanes ; for, lacking Faith, it is im- 13 b 3 poflible 3 3