Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

386 The rcondBooke ofDiuinitie, C H A P. 4, fvveetñeífe in CHRIST, nor poflibly can haue , Peeing he P came not for a Sauiour vnto them. Fifthly,It is a witting and 9 voluntarie fin,frecly, with- out compulfion, or other, not caufe oncly, but colour or thew of caufe. Sixthly, It is ofmeere it ice againít that which their owne cotafcience telleth thTm to be fo good, and againít Chrift, the Authour of it , r crucifying him in their hearts , and making a mocke of him : becaufe, if they will be his , they fee they cannot inioy thofe pleafures, profits, or preferments which they dote vpon , and are refolued to hold, though they lofe their owne foules for it ; whereof commeth a perfecuting and blafpheming of things they haue beleeued, and of all that doe pro- fe#fe the fame, anvtter f reuolt fromChrif+, and open warre againft him. It feemeth, the Holy Ghoif noteth this fnne to haue beene in Sara/, I.Sam. 22.17. Kill the Priefis of I E H O Y A.He faith not fimply,Kill the Prieftt but the PrieJLr of IE x o vAm :as if hee fhould haue laid, I ? Hath Chrifi indeed ferued mee fo, not oncly to turne meeout of my Kingdame , and to giue it to my feruant; but will he now , by his anfweres and Oracles, teach him how to rife vp and lie in waite againít mee ? Well, thoughmy malice cannot reach tohim who is in Heauen, yet I will wracke it vpon his darlings the PrieRs : Gcs kIt me all hie Prieto, &c. It is not a falling of frailtie and inftrmitie, though wittingly as that of Peter! was. By all which may appeare, that this being a hidden and a ferret ínne lurking in the heart, is molt hard to bee difcerned, faue when it pleafeth God him- felfe, as it were, fromHeauen to reueale it : which in the time of the Apofiles, to whom the exrraordinarie gra- ces ofhis Spirit were more plenteous , hee did now and then, as appeareth in thole that feduced the ggalatians, and further, by that alledged out of `Paul and John be., fore, but in the fucceeding Ages more rardly, whereof not- p fleb.z.t(S. q Heb. te.z,6. 4vciu+s. r Heb.6.6.. fHcb.6,6.6^