Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C1,1 A P. 4. ofChrifls Prophetical' office, &c. 385 ignorantly, ,es alfoyour Rulers. Meaning the multitude and generali number of them , which were h not able to difcerne of the God-head of Chrif} , lying hid vnder thevaile ofhis flefh, not ofeuery one in particular ; for force wittingly and Willingly, and contrarie to their owne confcience, went agaj,g1} him , knowingwhat he was, and whence hecamehich gumour Sauiouroc_ cation tohandle this Argument, Matthew I 2. MArke ;. Lake I2. Fourthly, It is a finne not fimply again(+ knowledge, but againfl the light of the Spirit, or that fweetneffe and comfort which once they felt in Chrift ; And Co it appeareth,that.many of the Iewes offended , of whom our k Sauiour faith, that they did with cheetefulnefle reioyce for a time in theMiniflecie of JohnBaptiJl,prea ching Chrifl vnto them ; andyet afterwards t fell backe and had no m lift to come vnto Chrif} This inlighte- ning is a s diuine and fupernaturall worke of GOD s Spirit changing a mans corruption, and entring him into the high-way that leadeth toRegeneration : So that I cannot thinke that either the finne of Angels, if you confidertheir firfi fall (though then they were mot} glo- rious creatures , and children of light , and their fall prefumptuous) or yet their finne being now become Deuils , ( though they e know Chriff to bee the true Melia', the Sonne and the HolyOne ofGod, andhe of whom they muff bee iudged, and yet with all their might and maine oppugnehim) can bee faid (properly) the finne againfl the Holy Ghofl , in that fenfe which the Scripturefpeakethof it; though I denienot,but it is at the leafl, equivalent , or rather much beyond it : for both at the firfl they finned againfl that naturali light onely, that they had by their fitti creation, which alfo was immediatlybent againfi the Maieflie ofGod,with- out the refpe&of a Redeemer, and fince that time, they . are not vouchfafed grace to haue any rafle at all of the B b 4 fweet.. h I.Cor.2.8.- i lobe .y.i8y k :obi/ f.36. 1 lohn m lohn 5.441 n, s,Pet.z.20,z3, Heb.'.f.dr Io.y9. o Matt.8.:9,